Is Taraweeh Equal To Tahajjud?
War On Terror Week In Ucl | Posted on: Jan 26 2007, 04:28 PM |
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| The War on Terror Week In University College London, Gower Street.
In September 2001, following the attacks on the World Trade Centre, the U.S. and it’s allies launched an offensive on the perpetrators of the WTC attacks in what was to become known as the global War On Terror. Five years on, with the death of thousands of innocent lives and thousands more detained illegally without trial or judgement, UCLU Islamic Society, in collaboration with UCLU Stop The War and Amnesty societies, hosts an entire week dedicated to analyse the war on terror; it’s justifications, it’s realities and it’s effects.
Joining us for what will surely be a fascinating week will be some of the most prolific speakers in the country including, George Galloway (MP), Yvonne Ridley (Broadcaster), Moazzam Begg (Former Detainee at Guantanamo Bay), Victoria Britain (Journalist for The Guardian) and many more!
To check out the trailer for the week, go to
“The War Goes On…” George Galloway (MP Bethnal Green & Bow), Yvonne Ridley (Author & Broadcaster) – A look at the current status of the war on terror. Monday 29th January @ 5:15pm, JZ Young Lecture Theatre
“Bring our boys home” Moazzam Begg (Former detainee at Guantanamo Bay) – Highlighting the plight of the British detainees in the UK Tuesday 30th January @ 5:15pm, Archaeology Lecture Theatre
“Road to Guantanamo” Martin Mubanga, The Tipton Three (Former detainees at Guantanamo Bay) & one of the actors from the film “Road to Guantanamo” – Includes extracts of the film and a Q&A with the panel. Wednesday 30th January @ 2:30pm, Chemistry Auditorium
“Torture: By any means necessary” Victoria Brittain (Journalist for The Guardian), Louise Christian (leading civil rights lawyer), Geoffrey Bindman (Chair of the British Institute of Human Rights) & Phil Shiner (Public Interest Lawyer) – A panel discussion on the use of torture and human rights issue arising from the War on Terror detentions.
Thursday 1st February @ 5:15pm, Roberts G08 Lecture Theatre
Refreshments provided!
“Jihad vs Terrorism” Asim Qureshi (Human Rights lawyer for Cageprisoners) – A discussion on the Islamic position with regards to Jihad and other topical issues. Friday 2nd February @ 5:15pm, Chadwick Lecture Theatre
Wassalamu Alaykum | | Forum: UK · Post Preview: #396779 · Replies: 0 · Views: 344 |
The Road To Guantanamo | Posted on: Mar 11 2006, 02:48 PM |
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| QUOTE(Minto @ Mar 10 2006, 03:44 PM)  Do you think it was advisable to take a trip to Afghanistan when America was about to bomb it?
Do you think it sensible to cross the border in such a dubious manner. Especially after dumping one of your mates?
Do you think it sensible that after seeing bombs dropping in the distance, to carry on with your "holiday"?
Do you think it was sensible to hook up with a bunch of armed taliban fighters whilst on "holiday"
If you think that what these idiots did was anything but silly, you are an absolute fool.
What happened after that is all their own fault. Do you expect captured soldiers not to be interrogated?
If these were American soldiers captured by the taliban, they would be dead by now.
They should consider themselves lucky after such an idiotic and fool hardy thing to do. Inciting racial hatred? Don't make me laugh. Enough muslims here are guilty of that. Assalamu Alaykum I hope you find true peace in your heart Minto, i really do so. Yvonne Ridley use to be a journalist but was captured by the Taliban. She letter on became a muslim because of how humane she was treated relative to guantanamo detainees. So i have a link for you. Please download and listen to it. Yvonne Ridley tells her story and Martin Mubanga a former guantanamo gives his story too. You might not be interested in Martin Mubanga's part, but please do listen to Yvonne ridley's with an open heart. wassalam | | Forum: General Chat · Post Preview: #263412 · Replies: 44 · Views: 1,110 |
So, Who Went To The London March Today? | Posted on: Feb 14 2006, 03:43 PM |
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| QUOTE(Abu_sulaiman @ Feb 14 2006, 01:36 PM)   yup i went to the GPUE i remember it too. i actually thought it was pretty boring but yvonne ridley and galloway were alright i remember when it was galloways speech i was laughing because the guy next to me was hyper and was clapping and jumping like a lunatic. i think because everyone was excited about some non-muslim standing up for us. but for Galloway since the good speech its all been downhill. also, do you really think there is a point in going to the march or any march? 2.5 million people turned up to stop the war in iraq-- did it make a difference? this land is not really a democracy.  Assalamu Alaykum It might not be compulsory to go on demonstrations, but do not think it has no effect. I also use to think like that then someone explained to me it is not so. Take for example the 2.5million that demonstrted against war in iraq. The ultimate goal and achievement would have been for the war not to have taken place, but that does not mean nothing was achieved. The following were achieved; 1. Recruitment into the British army has hit an all time low- rock bottom. They are working hard and spending a lot more in other to get a few british troops to fight for their cause. 2. The 2.5million people made a big statement. They show that the majority of people oppose the war. Had they not attended because they thought the war would still take place anyway, then it would have been an almost established fact that people just don't care. But they do , so they turned up in their multitudes. 3. The British and the American governments will atleast now hesitate, and not hasten to go to war with Syria or Iran. It is almost political suicide for that government in power,. they will be in danger of not being re-elected. Mind you if this war was to take place, atleast the fact that they know the general opinion is against it, they will hesistate, delay, and think twice. And many more wassalam | | Forum: General Chat · Post Preview: #244375 · Replies: 24 · Views: 710 |
Rejecting A Muslimah?! | Posted on: Jan 25 2006, 05:41 PM |
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| QUOTE(--**MinorityOpinions**-- @ Jan 24 2006, 12:47 PM)  As SAlaam Alaikum Farouk, So you actually feel shame when you see a non-hijabi? Do you close your eyes and turn the other way? Do you cover young children's eyes? Sorry but hair is much more different than seeing anyone's chest.
salaam Wa salam Thank you for the nice questions sister. I do feel 'shame' when i see muslim not wearing the hijab. This shame is rather put better in an arabic word called 'Gheerah' and i don't know a hadith on the top of my head but, Allah and his messenger have gheerah and that is one of the reasons why Allah made Zinah haram. And it is good for muslims to have gheerah. And muslims who don't feel this gheerah when their brothers and sisters expose their awrahs are liable to be punished by Allah. No i do not cover young children's eyes' and no i do not close my eyes and turn the other way. i lower my gaze. And i agree the chest and the hair are not the same, but the hair of a woman can easily arouse a man. wasalam | | Forum: General Chat · Post Preview: #232617 · Replies: 25 · Views: 740 |
Women Issues | Posted on: Jan 24 2006, 12:04 PM |
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| Assalamu Alaykum(the peace be) to you all
Dear Darla,
I can understand what you are saying. But i can assure you, if you keep on thinking relatively and things ought to be like this, not like that because that's what you think, then you will keep on going round in circles and never come to a conclusion.
Think about all your believes and ideas, where are they coming from. You talk about the idea of freedom and everybody should be free. but i ask you, Are you free? Do you think you think freely? where are your ideas coming from? They are coming from variable sources and factors.
But what makes us muslims much more free than anyone on the face of the earth is we have one source and factor, and that is Our creator who knows best how we should live. and that's where we leave things.
wa salam (peace out) | | Forum: Answering anti-Islamic Allegations · Post Preview: #231935 · Replies: 30 · Views: 1,699 |
Rejecting A Muslimah?! | Posted on: Jan 10 2006, 05:45 PM |
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| Assalamu Alaykum
A very similar thing happened to me. People say hijab or the beard is not what its all about.My question is, when should we draw the line? If someone is a fornicator or an alcoholic, are we still going to be saying, they might change, they believe in their hearts...and give them the benefit of a doubt.
At the moment, what i would do is, if the sister is not wearing the hijab because she didn't know, but then as soon as she knew the obligation she submitted to it, then i might give it a second thought. Especially as hijab by consensus of majority of scholars is an obligation, and the prophet (S) said the ummah will never be wrong if they come to a consensus on an issue.
But if she is not wearing it for reasons like, after post 9/11 bla bla bla..., its too hot, its not beautiful.....then i will rather pick someone else.
The only time i think its worth to give benefit of a doubt is if the issue is not decisively agreed in consensus by scholars, i.e.obligatory of niqaab.
wasalam | | Forum: General Chat · Post Preview: #225618 · Replies: 25 · Views: 740 |
Why Eating Haraam Food Is A Sin
Qawali's? (islamic Songs In Urdu With Instruments)
The Muslim Type Of Sport | Posted on: Nov 15 2005, 08:15 PM |
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| Playing
This has the benefit that one physically excercises the body. but at what cost? Fighting, aggresion, rivalry, creating emnity...and the list goes on.
More importantly, i asked myself this question. If the prophet (S) was present when football is present, would he watch it, play it, encourage it or what? I honestly don't think the prophet (S) would sit back relax and enjoyy himself watching Beckam kick the ball around, but i don't know about him playing it or allowing others to play it. And if you look to the inheritors of the prophet (S), the Scholars, do any big scholar of great reputation play or spectate football? I dont know of any.
To finish off, i'm in no position to say spectating and playing football is haram, but i think if we want to reach a high level of Piety, it is best to stay away from it.
The prophet (S) said What is haram and what is haram is clear. but between the 2 are doubtful matters that most of the people don't know about. Whoever stays away from it saves his honour and his religion. Every king has a Hima (land) and the shepherd whose sheep graze near the hima of the king are likely to graze from the Hima of the King. Beware the Hima of Allah are his unlawful deeds (haram) [i paraphrased the hadith to some extent as i haven't memorised it word for word].
I think football is a doubtful matter and a good analysis of it under the hadith mentioned makes me come to the conclusion, Let's save our honour and religion and try and stay away from footbal and do sporting activities that are more islamically beneficial just like inheritors of the prophets, the scholars.
Let's do activities like jogging, running,paintball, archery (or anyother sport of the like that teaches target and aim), swimming, wrestling, weightlifting, martail arts, some form of fitness training like aerobics and so on. These are more beneficial for a muslim and some of them have been recommended or are similar to the type of sport recommended by Muhammad (S) the best of mankind (who knows better than any other man, as he is guided by Allah the All-knowing)
May Allah forgive me for the mistake and errors i wrote.
plaease have your say.
jazakallah bikhair wa
ma'assalam | | Forum: General Chat · Post Preview: #201953 · Replies: 2 · Views: 177 |
Member Check --- Whos Missing?
Mother In Law | Posted on: Aug 28 2005, 06:37 PM |
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| Assalamu alaykum
I remember very well when you were engered, just when i was new in the forum. Alhamdulillah you finally got married and your relationship with your hus band is good.
Very unfortunate situation. sad sad sad. Uusally in this situations no party is happy at the end, the oppressor and the oppressed. But give Glad tidings to those who are patient!!! they are the true winners and you seem to have been patient and handling the situation well with the support of your husband. ideally we all hope your in laws change their behaviour and repent.
Du'as sister. insha Allah we will pray for you. this is shaitan's handiwork, there's nothing his more proud of than causing marital problems. So we pray Allah solves the problem in the best possible way. hasbunallahu wa ni'imal wakeel (Allah is the best disposer of all affairs), wallahu galibun ala amrihi wa la kinna aktharan naasi la ya'alamun (Allh is in control of his affairs but most of mankind know not).
Sister never lose hope in Allah, when you have problems complain (talk and pray) to Allah just like prophet ayyub said 'i only complain to you Allah' for his illness, and like prophet yaqub said 'patience is most fitting' when he was told yusuf was eaten by a wolf. Soon you will be out of the house insha Allah, and after this hardship will come ease, but know that the only place of final and true rest is in the hereafter.
I'm runnin out of time so i didn't read all the posts on this topic so i don't know whether this has been suggested yet. See with your husband if there is somebody that your in laws respect and will listen too, then plead your case with them so that they talk to your in laws.
Hope this helps
ma'assalam | | Forum: Counselling Room · Post Preview: #173237 · Replies: 21 · Views: 701 |
Poll: Looking Good? | Posted on: Aug 28 2005, 06:13 PM |
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| QUOTE(al-islam_huwa_al-haq @ Aug 28 2005, 05:24 PM)  yep......especialy at parties and that......even if its not direct pressure to see people talkin about other people and how they look and you wouldnt like to be in tha position yourself...  Assalamu alaykum 'parties'!!! i hope your talking about islamic wedding parties. It depends a lot on situations and the type of body the person has. like if you have very dry skin, you ought to cream up regularly in order not to look like you sleep on the streets. i read the prophet (S) takes his time to present himself to delegations and look good. As for me its a different situation. i use to be obese and yeah, i was under a lot of pressure to lose weight. Alhamdulillah when i wen't on a diet, lost 15kgs, and most of it in 3 weeks!!! So i still take special care to stay nice and fit and in good shape. One of my friends calls me a 'girl' due to the amount of time i spend in the shower and especially when i go, 'no i don't want to eat this, too unhealthy' and he goes 'your a proper woman!!!' and we just laugh. being fat usually puts the fat person under pressure because people will tease and tease you, makes you take special care of how you look, plus nice and fit looks better than fat and chubby!!! ma'assalam | | Forum: Polling Station · Post Preview: #173227 · Replies: 30 · Views: 1,181 |
Lying To Deceive The Enemy
Learning Arabic | Posted on: Aug 15 2005, 03:30 PM |
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| QUOTE(Shagird @ Aug 14 2005, 06:14 PM)  Do you have any links or titles for these books?  Salam alaykum check any islamic bookstore and ask, its very famous. ma'assalam | | Forum: General Chat · Post Preview: #167028 · Replies: 7 · Views: 374 |
Lying To Deceive The Enemy
Learning Arabic | Posted on: Aug 14 2005, 05:22 PM |
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| Assalamu Alaykum
I am currently studying arabic in Yemen, and i advice if you want to learn arabic for the sake of the deen, learn fusha 9classical) arabic. this will help you understand the quran more, khutbas (friday sermons) and classical arabic islamic books and text. a good book that will get you speaking fusha with good grammar are the university of madinah books. there are other good ones but i specifically know the madinah books are good and some people become good arabic speakers by the time they are just in the second book. make sure you practice and use what you learn from the book and if possible memorise some parts of it, its easy and beneficial.
If you want to learn arabic just for holidays then learn specific dialects, because the majority of the arabs speak their dialect only and little or no fusha at all.
Actually its very deceiving to me that there is any dialect that is very close to fusha. Some people say Yemeni dialect is the closest, some say jordanian. i can tell you for a fact that there are similarities but you will almost have no clue atimes when the yemeni or any other dialect is spoken. its possible to learn dialects though if you can speak another dialect or even fusha, but it doesn,t come automatically that you speak a dialect of fusha, so your fine will all dialects.
Dialect is not like American english or Australian... it is like a very very advanced slang, spoken with no grammar.
You can contact me if you have more enqueries and i will try to help you insha Allah. | | Forum: General Chat · Post Preview: #166691 · Replies: 7 · Views: 374 | |
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