Occupy Wall Street Day 13
Transit workers' union joins strike, Moore reports live, Chomsky gets
interviewed, and what are protesters doing right?
by Miranda Nelson on September 29, 2011 at 11:26 AM
Today is Day 13 of Occupy Wall Street.
Lawrence O'Donnell interviewed Michael Moore live from Liberty Plaza
on his program on September 28. They spoke about the greed of the
rich, the poverty crisis in the U.S.—including foreclosures, under-
and unemployment, and the lack of health care—and the rise of
non-violent protest. Watch the video below. Bonus: you get a little
propaganda from ExxonMobil (Pro-fracking! Oil sands are great!) before
the video starts. Anyone else see the disconnect?
Russia Today's Marina Portnava interviewed Noam Chomsky about the
Occupy Wall Street action, the overlap between politics and business,
and if there's any hope for democracy in the U.S.
The Daily Kos is reporting that the New York Transit Workers Union
voted to join the Occupy Wall Street protesters at a meeting on
September 28. A tweet from today from @TWULocal100 to @Newyorkist
stating "As I understand it, our executive board endorsed a march from
City Hall to Zuccotti Park on Oct. 5. #occupywallst". Now there's a
force that could bring New York City to its knees.
In the video below, Christine Williams, also a member of TWU 100, said
that some members would be attending the marches on Friday (September
Another union in solidarity? Airline pilots.The Daily Mail has some
great photos from Day 11, when hundreds of Continental and United
Airlines pilots as well as employees of other carriers belonging to
the Air Line Pilots Association took to the street advocating for
better wages. While these protesters are not specifically affiliated
with the Occupy Wall Street group, this sort of union protest action
is indicative of greater unrest in many employment sectors in the U.S.
and around the globe. Teamsters Local 814 declared their support for
the action on Day 6.
Dissent Magazine has put out an article by Mark Engler called Five
Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right, including choosing an
appropriate target, allowing the momentum of the movement to build,
and capitalizing on said momentum.
The Guardian published a piece about the successes achieved by the
Occupy Boston movement. Watch a video of Occupy Boston member Marissa
Egerstrom addressing the group below.

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