CIA unlawful killing - Where is the Intl. Criminal Court?
'"Our troops continue to die but we can't even identify the enemy, which is why so many innocent Iraqi civilians - including women and children - are being blown away. The civilians are being killed by the thousands." (Bob Herbert, 'A War Without Reason,' The New York Times, October 18, 2004)

NATO victim
Saturday, 7 September, 2002, 04:42 GMT 05:42 UK

Its report says people at the party in central Afghanistan's Uruzgan province who fired at US aircraft were to blame, not the American pilots who returned the fire.
"While the coalition regrets the loss of innocent lives, the responsibility for that loss rests with those that knowingly directed hostile fire at coalition forces," the report says.
However, the Afghan Border Affairs Minister, Arif Noorzai, told the BBC that he doubted that the report would be accepted by Afghans.
The Afghan Government says 48 civilians - mostly women and children - were killed and 117 injured by the US AC-130 aircraft during the incident, which severely strained relations between Washington and Kabul.
The US report says that the crew of the AC-130 gunship acted "properly and in accordance with the rules" in attacking several sites in the Deh Rawood area.
It also says reconnaissance patrols heard gunfire and explosions at all hours of the day and night, and that the AC-130 came under fire itself.
"The operators of those weapons elected to place them in civilian communities and elected to fire them at coalition forces at a time when they knew there were a significant number of civilians present," the report says.
The US investigators say the airstrike was part of a larger operation in the area, which the report says was at the time home to families of several key Taleban leaders.
No evidence
The Afghan officials and survivors of the incident say the only gunfire from the area came from the guests who fired their rifles in celebration.
Despite the report's claims that heavy weapons had been fired at the US aircraft in the days before the raid, the American investigators found no evidence of anti-aircraft weapons at the bombed sites.
The report says that the US investigation could only confirm 34 dead and about 50 wounded.
Washington has not used the word "apology" because of differing accounts of what happened during the 1 July airstrike.
CIA Has Been Tickling People to Death For Years
Peter Chamberlin
Michael Hayden said the clandestine agency is using Predator missile attacks to "tickle" enemy groups, to provoke a reaction.
"We use military operations to excite the enemy, prompting him to respond."
The agency director was jokingly referring to the policy of committing multiple mass-murders of innocent citizens of Pakistan, as a tactic for provoking retaliation by their relatives. This immoral terrorist act is considered to be a legitimate military strategy by the demented CIA mind. It sees no wrong in committing criminal acts, to cause others to commit further criminal acts, as a rationale for starting a divisive world war for resources, under the guise of "self-defense." The idea that committing acts of war, to cause a greater war is not a war crime itself, is a product of a deranged psychopathic mind. This psychopathic mind personified by the CIA is the scourge of mankind.
The American use of the Israeli terror tactic of "targeted assassinations" to perhaps kill one "wanted" individual (remember no "war" has been declared there), without concern for the attendant civilian death is a war crime. The use of flying terror platforms to fire Hellfire missiles into crowds of innocent people, in a country that you call your "ally" is either pure idiocy or evil of the highest order. The choice to fight a ground war from the air reaps little military gain at the enormous cost of widespread civilian death.
Agency Director Hayden said that the CIA is "working closely with the military...where American troops have fought Sunni insurgents." If the agency was really working with our own military or with military leaders in allied nations then the war might not be at an impasse. In all war theaters the secret war has served to escalate the real war that our troops must fight, for political reasons. The question is, is the CIA a "rogue" agency creating problems for our own military, or is it doing so on White House orders?
Did the agency bother to consult with our allies the Pakistani Army on June 12, when it sent a Predator to kill 11 Pakistani soldiers at Gora Pai Outpost in the Mohmand region?
US hits Pakistani 'opposition targets' - 12 Jun 08
Hayden said, "Our pilots are targeting not structures, but individuals."
But clearly, after watching the video of the Predator attack, who could believe that it is possible to identify who is being targeted on the ground by these terminator-planes?
Did the CIA bother to consult U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Adm. Mike Mullen on the September 18 Predator strike that killed six and wounded three, a mere hours after he personally reassured Pakistan's prime minister of "cooperation and coordination" on security issues?
Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who was one of those officials who met with Mullen, told reporters that Pakistani officials "were not informed" of the strike beforehand. Asked about Mullen's statement, he said,
"It's a clear, clear commitment to Pakistan to respect Pakistan's sovereignty...and now if having said that there was an attack later in the night, that means there is some sort of an institutional disconnect on their side, and if so, they will have to sort it out," he said.
Here we have evidence from a foreign perspective of the massive disconnect within the government of the United States, in this case, between the Pentagon and the CIA, over the spy agency's running its own separate foreign policy in the war on terror. It is seen coming to a head over the covert military policy of the US spy bureau verses the legitimate policies of the actual military. This policy extends deep within the establishment reflecting the vast moral differences between most of our government and the super-secret spy bureau that flies our flag.
The brutal immoral CIA policies of terrorizing (sorry, I meant "tickling") civilians to create panic and hopefully generate specific controlled reactions is not only the cause of the terror war, but it is the reason that the military cannot achieve anything approaching victory on either of the two other fronts. In Pakistan, as in all the world's frontline states, the secret US policy actually creates terrorist groups to administer the "tickling" on behalf of the agency to the targeted people. This, in turn, make the local fight against insurgencies unwinnable, by any acceptable standards.
In Pakistan, the "local Taliban" (under the command of "public enemy number one," Baitullah Mehsud), which US forces are allegedly targeting, are known among the local population as tools of the US, Indian, Afghan and Israeli secret services. Mehsud's apparent immunity from American retaliation, his detailed knowledge of Pakistani troop movements and his highly-advanced communications equipment and weaponry is cited as proof of foreign sponsorship. In other words, the CIA is creating the justification (bombings in Pakistan and cross-border attacks from there into Afghanistan by CIA proxy fighters) that is providing a sort of legitimacy for military actions.
In Iraq, the same pattern of covert "tickling" was carried-out by shadowy US-connected terror groups, who drove the inter-religious civil war that successfully partitioned most of the country. The harsh attacks carried-out upon fellow Sunnis by these "al Qaida linked" groups pushed the Iraqis into fighting against themselves. The same thing was attempted in Lebanon with Sunni terrorist groups like Fatah al-Islam. In the Palestinian Territories the Security Forces carried-out the same function against the legitimate Hamas government forces. Before that, US-backed Muslim terrorists were brought into Yugoslavia who attacked ("tickled") local Muslims to agitate for international intervention.
Before the demise of the Soviet Union and the creation of the new "Islamic threat" by the CIA, covert "tickling" operations were carried-out by our mercenary forces of right-wing extremist white guys in Europe, like Operation Gladio in Italy. The secret CIA armies there tickled our unfortunate European allies into electing hard-right political parties which supported American aggression.
Throughout all the previous examples, the CIA has followed the same "shock doctrine" of applying terror bombings to targeted populations in order to stimulate planned responses. This form of mind warfare has been developed by government psychologists and behavioralists studying the phenomenon since the fire-bombings of WWII were used to manipulate the German population. The link between political terrorism and democratic reactions was discovered when intensive fire-bombing pushed frightened enraged German citizens to demand government concessions to appease Allied bombers. The science of the "shock doctrine" was developed from these studies, over time, by government scientists, who refined it down to its essence, learning to use smaller shocks to achieve the same reactions.
This same policy of psychological warfare became the principle tool of the CIA, where it was used over many decades upon both friend and foe of the United States, even upon the American people themselves. Provocative "ticklings" of various types were administered to the American people to control social pressures, from the assassinations of our leaders, to the shocks of the destruction of our free press and our national economy. The American people were systematically shocked and demoralized, as we were driven like the cattle that they think we are down the road to the slaughterhouse.
On September 11, 2001, the wholesale slaughter of Americans began. American-allied intelligence agencies, worked in unison to administer the most severe "tickling" of all time, to a peaceful people who were normally slow to rouse to war, in order to start the stampede. Today, the CIA's own war has been sabotaged by the very tactics it has chosen to employ, to the point where our voluntary military force is decimated and our national economy is following suit. The government psychiatrists and schemers overlooked their primary obstacle, they never figured on the depth of the human spirit to resist the great obscenity being cast upon us. Anyone who is given the ability to see automatically begins to fight back.
The CIA war against the people of the world and especially against the American people is one of the greatest tragedies and crimes of our time. Their hostile actions have brought the world to the edge of the cataclysm we now face. Whatever their ulterior reasons are for destroying the country that they have sworn allegiance to, they cannot be allowed to succeed in their terrorist plans. This is the government that must be overthrown, the secret government of the United States.
The CIA must be abolished. Our remaining moral leaders must step forward to de-fund the agency. Our military leaders must follow former Joint Chief Peter Pace's example and refuse to carry-out immoral acts. The terminator planes being used by the CIA must be grounded. The proxy forces that they have created to "Balkanize" Pakistan just as they have done in Iraq must by stopped. Give the government there the help it needs by supporting the decisions it makes without attacking them for it.
Pakistan is not our enemy, but the CIA most definitely is.
Seven Years of Failure
After seven years of fighting, Bush´s administration is still far from declaring victory in any of its two fronts in the War on Terror. In fact, its faulty strategy has changed the war from "War on Terror" to something that may be best described as "War for Terror".
The US State Department and the National Counterterrorism Center published a comparative statistics about terrorist attacks from 2001 to 2007 – Muqtedar Khan, Neverending War on Terror, Al-Ahram Weekly, 11 – 17 / 9 / 2008.
During the year, 2001 there was 531 terrorist attacks, but the number skyrocketed to 14,499 operations. The death toll was 22,666 in 2007 compared to 3,295 in 2001. The year 2002 witnessed a sharp decrease in terrorist attacks, 199 and the death toll 725. After invasion of Iraq, the terrorist attacks accounted for 651 and the death toll reached 1907, during 2004. The American Administration and its Military Commandship should have noticed that their invasion of Iraq just provided another front for Al-Qaeda.
Are there hidden secrets about 11 / 9? In a recent opinion poll 42% of Egyptians, think that the perpetuator is Israel. Only 56% of British citizens think that Al-Qaeda is the perpetuator. I am not a conspiracy theory advocate but data points to the difficult technicality for Al-Qaeda to do it. Surfing the internet points to that also. Some web sites tell about Israelis on the roof of a near building chanting, dancing and raising the Israeli flag while the planes were colliding into the World Trade Center in New York. Other more sophisticated sites tell that the planes hit the WTC in its weakest point between its upper one third and its lower two thirds. If this were true then it would be impossible for a pilot to do the turning maneuver and adjusting the direction to target the exact point. Some provided an explanation that hacking on the computer system of the planes just after taking off to let the automatic pilot take the upper hand directing the plane and maneuvering it according to the GPS system through a preprogrammed pathway. This theory means that a very powerful and advanced intelligence body had been behind the act of 9 / 11. Until now, some of the documents of 9 / 11 are secret and the US government did not publish them. When some Congresspersons accused the Saudi Arabia of being behind the worst terrorist attack in the American history, the Saudis asked the US government to provide the evidence. The American Administration just froze the subject. There is evidence of neglect by the CIA that it had known but it had not taken the proper steps.
Regardless of the conspiracy theory, Israel was the first beneficiary of what happened, the then inexperienced American President became a ploy in the hands of his Vice, the Neo-Cons acted according to a preplanned agenda to send their troops to Central Asia near oil fields and to encircle Russia. The Americans could not arrest Osama Bin Laden. Even the smallpox-contaminated letters were sent by an American scientist who was working in a biological warfare laboratory. He committed suicide last year before being investigated. The organism was very weak. This means that it was sent to spread psychological panic state not a biological terrorism operation.
The strategic fault was using the army to fight terrorism. Armies are trained to fight armies. Before sending military forces, the enemies´ positions should be known. Terrorism had multi-factorial background that should be dealt with through synchronizing steps. The NATO forces in Afghanistan angered civilians there. In a recent BBC report, Afghan people told that when these forces are attacked, they respond targeting people and terrorists together. Losing confidence and trust of locals is another grave strategic military fault. Political reconciliation and reconstruction of the infrastructure did not go in parallel to the early military success. NATO forces stationed there and the active chasing operations against Taliban forces in mountains were few. This made NATO forces in a defensive state and gave Taliban more freedom to recollect its forces and to launch attacks. A war is never won by defensive operations only.
Bush showed his inexperience as he declared victory twice. Once when his forces toppled Taliban regime then after few months he was pleading for the Congress to allocate more resources for the endless war. He did the same mistake when his forces occupied Baghdad and in less than few weeks, he found that he just opened another front for his tiring army. Now General David Petreus the Chief of Staff said that he is far from declaring victory in Iraq. He said that the conditions are improving but warned against deterioration. The American Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, Admiral Michael Mullen said in a testimony in the Congress that the conditions in Iraq are still difficult and he had hopes but he cannot declare victory. The American Defence Secretary Robert Gates declared that the end stage in Iraq has started. Bush agreed to withdraw 8000 troops from Iraq and to send 5000 troops to Afghanistan. As the Americans decided to give Afghanistan priority one but they are still far from declaring victory in Iraq then either they have other arrangement for the Arab country or they will leave Iraq in an endless civil war. Will the American choose the option of a military coup in Iraq, and to support a military dictatorship there, to stabilize Iraq until they try to achieve something in Afghanistan? Time will tell.
The new NATO strategy in Afghanistan depends upon expanding the front to include the Afghani-Pakistani borders. The new Pakistani President said that he would not allow the allies to attack the tribes region in Northern West of his country. Again, the Americans will rely on the Pakistani Army to manipulate the elected president there.
Perhaps the new strategy is not better than the old one. Expanding the front needs more troops and much offensive attacks. The repercussion will be more civilian casualties and more trouble for the weak Pakistani government. The population in Afghanistan is 35 millions and in Pakistan is about 200 millions. Extending the war to Pakistan is too dangerous for all Central Asia. Yet, the Neo Cons want creative chaos to be in all countries of the New Middle East and everywhere. While not achieving much in two fronts they provoked Russia in Balkan. They just want the next president to be obliged to fight their battles. However, Obama and McCain have their plans about Iraq and Afghanistan. The Neo Cons did not only ruin the world but also complicated the situation for their successors.
The only hope to win the War on Terror is by holding an international conference that deals with the roots of terrorism. The Arabs may give the new American Administration a small advice. Victory in Iraq and Afghanistan passes through Jerusalem. To defeat extremists Washington should empower moderates from Morocco to India. Having many fronts will just over exhaust the already over expanded empire. The new American administration should learn a lesson from the seven-year failures, which is a superpower, might occupy a populated country soon but it is too difficult to stay in safe.

"Qset Harbin - A tale of two wars" Al-Hadara Publishing, 7 Abou El-Seoud Street, Cairo, Egypt.
An English Novel: A Tale of two wars (e-Book and printed)
For books by the Author visit:

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