Situation room alberto gonzales
the former attorney general OF ALL PEOPLE
advocated an extrajudicial sentencing WITHOUT TRIAL
for khalid sheikh Mohammed and Gitmo inmates...
A SCANDAL .. unbelievable! Is this a respectable broadcaster
or a right-wing lunatic talk-show?
The US system is brainwashing its sheeple to believe that justice
- the basic tenet of a democracy - is not for everyone.
The real reason is that the secrets of the 9/11 inside job will
be available for everyone to see in open court.
All right-wingers have been given their talking points...
Obama chose wisely to announce this while he was overseas in Korea,
Japan Singapore etc. The US media is strictly corporate controlled
and when you hear the media-whores scream about Obama, socialism
etc, you would be excused to believe you live in a totalitarian state.
East Germany Version 2.0
Amazingly, the Alberto Gonzales (live from Lubbock, Texas) segment
is mentioned nowhere.
aha, I found a mention:
No joking, I just watched Alberto Gonzales! on the Situation Room talking about how KSM is a "war criminal" b/c 3000 civilians were killed. Wolfie pooh said boo. As if the considerably larger #s of civilians US forces have killed in our endless multiplex war did not exist/did not mark our own esteemed leaders as, duh, f'ing war criminals.
November 13, 2009
at 8:36 pm
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That is kind of an odd argument coming from a criminal. But I guess we will ignore Gonzales many crimes none of which he will ever be tried for.
November 13, 2009
at 8:39 pm
indefinite detention without charge or trial ....
Alberto Gonzales, a former US' Attorney General from 2005 until 2007 and currently a teacher at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, is now being featured here today for putting his home in Vancouver on the market
Former US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales lists his 2604-square-foot home in McLean, VA for $1.075M
During the controversy over the Bush administration's prosecutor purge in 2007, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales raised selective amnesia to an art form. In one single day of Congressional testimony, Gonzales uttered some variant of "I don't recall" 64 times, including the comical, "Senator, that I don't recall remembering."

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