December 11th, 2009 10:37 AM Print
By Robert Singer
My goal in writing is to help wake up the huddled masses. To that end, the "Most Important Issue in the History of the Universe" is:
The Story Behind the Story Behind the Story of how the World Trade Center I and II collapsed on September 11, 2001.
Why? Because if you don't know how the twin towers collapsed, you can.t be sure you are waking up the masses from the right dream.
I.ll get right to the point, I have read the books and watched the documentaries on September 11 for three years and the 9/11 official story is:
Nineteen fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, crash airplanes into steel skyscrapers because they .hate our freedom to consume.. Inexplicably the jet fuel, which is basically kerosene that burns at about 400c, took on the qualities of an explosive demolition agent, vaporizing 70 tons of aircraft into a puff of smoke and causing 110-story buildings to collapse into a pile of rubble.
Is such a stupid story that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld didn.t really expect you to believe it.
A jet fuel fire brought down two of the tallest buildings in the world: Improbable, to say the least. [1]
Millions believe a LIHOP (Let it Happen on Purpose) version thanks to Michael Moore.s Fahrenheit 911, because their brain tells them the U.S. government killed 3,000 American citizens to pass the Patriot Act, build up the military and invade Afghanistan and Iraq. [2]
Everyone else, after you point out the obvious (110 stories of steel and concrete collapsing at free fall speed), thinks about it for a New York Second and realizes the official story is ridiculous and couldn.t be true.
Then, they come to the false conclusion it was a MIHOP (Made it Happen on Purpose): Bush, Cheney, and the Neocons killed 3,000 Americans so they could pass the Patriot Act, build up the military and invade Afghanistan and Iraq, an inside job.
In other words, The Powers That Be (TPTB) expected us to believe the 9/11 Truth story: A rogue element of the US government used controlled demolition to bring down the twin towers.
Let me be clear, I agree the US government or some proxy did exploit the events of 9/11: Building 7, the Pentagon and Flight 77. [3]
The .Experts. on 9/11
Professor Steven .Cold Fusion. Jones lectures ad nauseam about the obvious, that 110 stories of steel and concrete do not collapse into a pile of rubble from a kerosene fire. Jones. research, allegedly peer reviewed, has not proven the building collapsed from controlled demolition.
Dr. Judy Wood, former professor of mechanical engineering, with expertise in material science concludes the buildings were destroyed using some type of .field effect technology. related to the Hutchison Effect and the presence of Hurricane Erin. [4]
Jones, sweet and innocent, looks like he belongs in the Bush administration not in the counterculture community.
Wood, marginalized and tossed out of the 9/11-Truth Movement happens to look like a hippie.
Dr. Wood raises important questions about the so-called collapse and the dip of the Earth's magnetic field at the precise moment of the supposed first plane "impact" but the 9/11 Truthers refuse to acknowledge her research and her work has been left out in their search for the Truth. [5]
David Ray Griffin, retired professor at the Claremont School of Theology and spokesman for the 9/11 Truth Movement, has written numerous books questioning the 9/11 official story. Inexplicably he and co-founder, John B. Cobb, Jr., of the Center for Process Studies hang around with David Rockefeller. Griffin.s major project at present is in fact, .to develop a theology for a New World Order.. [6]
Dr. Griffin, like Jones, lectures frequently at universities and public places explaining in repetitive detail that September 11 was not the result of 19 Arab terrorists and a kerosene fire.
However, neither of them will discuss anything that contradicts the controlled demolition theory of the twin towers.
The government would not allow the openly treasonous behavior of David Ray and Steven Earl unless the 9/11 Truth Movement was a Counter Intelligence Program (Cointelpro). [7]
No Plane
The "no plane. theory, asserts both plane impacts with the WTC were faked with CNN Video Fakery/ Cartoon CGI. [8]
The following image of the second impact, taken from a news helicopter, depicts a video composite of a Boeing 767 accidentally appearing from behind a Layer Mask.
Nico Haupt and Morgan Reynolds, formerly the chief economist within the Labor Department under the Bush administration argue that no planes were used in the attacks.
Reynolds .claims it is physically impossible that the Boeing planes of Flights 11 and 175, being largely aluminum, could have penetrated the steel frames of the Towers, and that digital compositing was used to depict the plane crashes in both news reports and subsequent amateur video..
"There were no planes, there were no hijackers," Reynolds insists. "I know, I know, I'm out of the mainstream, but that's the way it is." Of the two Boeing 767.s, which vanished into the Twin Towers, Reynolds asks: How could two large wide-bodied aluminum jetliners penetrate massive steel towers and disappear with no deceleration visible, no plane wreckage visible in gashes and none knocked to the ground below the impact zone?
Discussion of .no plane. theories can get you banned from conspiracy theory websites and threatened with violence from members of the 9/11 community if you .no plane. too loudly.
The idea that there were .no planes., keeps just about everyone confused about .what really happened. on 9/11.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Or if you want to read a thousand words, visit 911 Revisited - CNN Video Fakery / Cartoon CGI. [9]
And when I say everyone is confused, I mean EVERYONE is intentionally kept in confusion by the Alex and Steven Joneses, the Davids Griffin and Icke and the 911 Truth Movement that promotes the controlled demolition .theory. of the collapse of the twin towers.
Alex Jones is the "Minister of Truth" over a flock of "Truthers", whose church is the "9/11 Truth Movement."
The faithful followers are not concerned that Pastor Alex is now being given significant exposure and airtime by the mainstream media - specifically by Disinformation-Central Fox News.
The media attention he is getting is quite bewildering until one digs deeper and understands Alex Jones is part of a Cointelpro operation.
.The Truth Movement has the dual purpose of vectoring genuine truth seekers to dead ends, where anger, hype and paranoia endlessly stress the seeker and those around him or her, and to facilitate the mainstream media's task of branding those who ask questions of authority and the true nature of reality as insane..
Why does Jones appear to be closely aligned with that which he seeks to subvert and destroy?
The fact that Jones exposes government schemes - and extraordinarily loudly at that - becomes evidence that he may very well be Cointelpro.
.What people fail to understand however, is that serious Cointelpro operations are never obvious. They are by definition, very closely aligned with that which they seek to subvert and destroy because they would not get very far at infiltration and subversion if they were not.. [10]
"The Best Way To Control The Opposition Is To Lead It Ourselves" Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
While Minister Jones vociferously promotes the controlled demolition theory of the collapse of the twin towers a tiny fringe of 911 researchers with no political or monetary capital, led by Morgan Reynolds, the above-mentioned Dr. Judy Wood and Andrew Johnson, make a compelling case that .no planes hit the World Trade Center. (.TV Fakery.), and that controlled demolition cannot explain the energy released when the twin towers collapsed. [11]
911 Truthers acknowledge there are problems with the official 911 Truth story.
It.s an obvious computer generated-image of a 757 hitting the North Tower because you can.t see a break in the building wall between the port engine and fuselage. Think about how the jet engines, wings, fuselage and the tail section of an aluminum airplane just disappear through steel and reinforced concrete......and then appear to come through the other side.
But Minister Jones and his elders Physicist Steven Jones, author David Ray Griffin, architect Richard Gage in charge of 911 Truth, all with New World order connections [6], will not allow anyone to question a controlled demolition theory.
Why would the 911 Truth Movement promote a theory they know is untrue?
Professor James Fetzer, another well known 9/11 activist, said
.It.s Tactical. .Even if they (the advocates of No Plane Theory) are right, it hurts the movement. Many feel that there is so much evidence of government complicity beyond the issue of big passenger jets that diverting attention to the one thing most people believe that they "saw" is not to our tactical and strategic advantage..
.Our Tactical and Strategic Advantage.
Should we trust the .creepy side of the 911 Truth Movement. to tell us whose tactical and strategic advantage is served by discrediting the .no plane, no thermite. theories? [12]
What if the 9/11 Truth is nothing more than a pseudo-movement promoting a government .alternative official. story?
Who are the likely agents of disinformation?
Woods and Reynolds want to hijack the movement so the naïve public will be confused about the planes and will believe the government's lie about nonexistent "terrorists." Huh?
OR The Church of 9/11 Truth and the Joneses keep anyone from attempting to find out why Dr. Judy Wood calls the twin towers collapse, .The New Hiroshima. [11], and why at the precise moment of the alleged first plane "impact" did the Earth's magnetic field dip.
My money is on Disinformation agent Alex Jones.
Google .Disinformation Agent. and the first result exposes Jones as a member of Project Mockingbird, Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor and alternative Media Gatekeeper for the Vatican: Alex Jones Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor CIA Disinformation Agent,
Disinformation agents of the New Worldly Order (David Icke, Alex Jones, Zeitgeist) is worth 9 minutes of your time.
No Thermite
Chris Bollyn.s recent discovery of Super-Termite (nanothermite) at .Israel.s Super-Thermite Lab. is nonsense and should be dismissed immediately:
.The main reason for 9-11 was to change the military equation in the Middle East and bring the United States and NATO into the region on a permanent basis to wage war against the foes of Israel. But how could they possibly think they would get away with such an audacious and heinous crime of false-flag terrorism?.
He then goes on to make the ludicrous statement:
.What they didn.t expect is that a few Americans would dig into the evidence and uncover every stone to find the real culprits. They certainly didn.t expect that a careful and independent scientific analysis of the dust would reveal that a nano-composite form of super-thermite was used to pulverize the World Trade Center..
.What they didn.t expect is that a few Americans would dig.. I can hardly stop laughing!
But when I did stop (laughing) and contacted Andrew Johnson at Check The Evidence, he pointed out:
Q) What is thermite anyway? Answer: Aluminum powder and Iron Oxide (rust).
Fact: The exterior of WTC towers contains aluminum and there were some rusty beams inside the buildings. Therefore we can dismiss any smoking gun theory of super-thermite because you would expect to find Aluminum powder and Iron Oxide in the remains of the World Trade Centre.
Q) What does thermite do to metal? Answer: It melts through it.
Q) What happened to the towers? Answer: They turned largely to dust.
Thermite cannot have been responsible for turning towers to dust. Let's see this nanothermite in action please!
It's an explosive but the towers didn't explode -they turned into a fountain of dust. [13]
The 2001 Invasion of Iraq... That Was Called Off. When the Twin Towers Collapsed
Paul O'Neill's revelations that the Bush administration planned to invade Iraq long before September 11, 2001 have been widely publicized. The decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq was made in July 2001 and the plans were on Bush.s desk by Sept 9. [14]
During the 2008 Presidential election a comment about .John McCain's Dirt on the Cross Lies. appeared on greenusa.blogspot:
.I served in the Navy as a Nuclear Plant Operator for over 14 years. I served onboard the USS Texas (CGN-39) in Operation Desert Storm. I served onboard the USS Arkansas (CGN-41) in support of Operation Desert Fox. I was a crewmember of the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) when airplanes struck the Twin Towers on 9/11, and our ship was the first ship that was flying attack missions into Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.. [15]
Some time later I read the following:
On September 10th the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) chopped (turned around) in the straits of Hormoz, went to Battle Condition II, and prepared to invade Iraq. The order to stand down came 5 hours after the 2nd tower collapsed. [16]
The USS Carl Vinson was in the Persian Gulf with orders to invade Iraq, logic would dictate the invasion would go forward when the buildings collapsed and not be called off.
Hence, if you want the answer to the Most Important Issue in the History of the Universe you better be reading and listening to someone telling you:
* Why the invasion was called off after the second tower collapsed and
* What the dip of the Earth's magnetic field at the precise moment of the alleged first plane "impact" has to do with .what really happened..
[1] Many official government stories are so ridiculous that a select group of people some call the puppet masters don.t expect you to believe them. Disinformation is misleading information that is true, deliberately announced publicly or leaked by a government or an intelligence agency to sow confusion and undermine credibility. Misinformation is false or inaccurate information, which is deliberately intended to deceive, 9/11, What.s Wrong With This Picture?, Robert Singer.
[2] There are three reasons why most Americans are in denial and cling to the official story:
1. I am a Patriot, the US is a great country they wouldn.t kill 3,000 American citizens to pass the Patriot Act, build up the military and invade Afghanistan and Irak (Kill3000toPassBuild&Invade).
2. I like my life I.m having a good time don.t bother me with the Kill3000toPassBuild&Invade nonsense.
3. I can.t do anything about it anyway, so don.t bother me with the Kill3000toPassBuild&Invade story.
[3] Let me be clear, I agree the US government or some proxy did exploit the events of 9/11 to:
* Demolish Building 7 that wasn.t even hit by a plane, home of the SEC investigation files and Rudy Giuliani.s command center.
* Fire a cruise missile into the newly renovated wing of the Pentagon, killing 189 people, including the five .alleged. hijackers and
* 34 civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts working for the Resource Services department. And, in another one of those coincidences that don.t happen very often, the accountants and bookkeepers were investigating, according to Donald Rumsfeld, 2.3 trillion Dollars that .just vanished., September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld spoke to Congress and confessed the Pentagon is missing 2.3 trillion Dollars. Just vanished.
* Shoot down flight 77 over Pennsylvania and kill the passengers from flight 93 and a second mysterious airplane that made an emergency landing at Cleveland Hopkins Airport. Flights 11, 12 (9+3), 13 (1+7+5), 14 (7+7). UAL Flight 93 Landed Safely At Cleveland Hopkins Airport Plane Lands In Cleveland - Bomb Feared Aboard 8-7-4 Reported by 9 News Staff Web produced by: Liz Foreman 9/11/01, At 10 A.M. on 9/11 Cleveland airport was evacuated due to rumors of a bomb scare. People around the airport were told to go home.
Remove the rubble from the Twin Towers with GPS tracked debris trucks before anyone could perform a forensic analysis. WTC Steel Removal The Expeditious Destruction of the Evidence at Ground Zero The authorities apparently considered the rubble quite valuable: New York City officials had every debris truck tracked on GPS and had one truck driver who took an unauthorized 1 ½ hour lunch fired. GPS on the Job in Massive World Trade Center Clean-up,, 7/1/2002,
[5] Dip of the Earth's magnetic field on September 11, 2001 at 8:46:40
[6] July 23. Connect Griffin to New World Order on angieon911,
[7] COINTELPRO is the FBI acronym for a series of covert action programs directed against domestic groups. In these programs, the Bureau went beyond the collection of intelligence to secret action defined to "disrupt" and "neutralize" target groups and individuals. The techniques were adopted wholesale from wartime counterintelligence, and ranged from the trivial (mailing reprints of Reader's Digest articles to college administrators) to the degrading (sending anonymous poison-pen letters intended to break up marriages) and the dangerous (encouraging gang warfare and falsely labeling members of a violent group as police informers).
[8] Debunking the 9/11 *Anti-No-Plane-Theory* Myths, CB_Brooklyn
[9] 911 Revisited - CNN Video Fakery / Cartoon CGI,
[10] The strategy of supporting sides that at first glance appear to be in direct opposition is similar to the way things are staged by the "Secret Team". L Fletcher Prouty described in great detail how the flow of information is successfully managed by a few hands to produce precisely the reaction the Powers That Be require from their unwitting targets. The Secret Team" and "JFK", L Fletcher Prouty
[11] 9/11 - The New Hiroshima,
[12] The Creepy Sides of the 911 Truth Movement,
[13] The World Trade Center (WTC) towers did not "collapse" on 9/11/01, they were pulverized (Blown to Kingdom Come) before a gravity-driven collapse was even a possibility. Pulverized to dust, a paucity of remaining material. Where are the concrete floors? Where is the office furniture? Where is the office machinery? Where are the filing cabinets? Where is the wall board? Where are the bookcases? They were not there, so most of it appears to have turned to dust, as illustrated in Figure 31. Pulverized to dust,
[14] Going back all the way to the Bush administration's build-up for invading Iraq, there has been much written and said about the reasons for the invasion. Now Paul O'Neill's revelations that the Bush administration planned to invade Iraq long before September 11, 2001 have been widely publicized. Iraq Was Surviving the Sanctions, Why They Wouldn't Wait By Tom Jackson
[15] August 20, 2008 John McCain's Dirt on the Cross Lies,
[16] Note: Strategic information about the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) is classified by the U.S. Military. If the Carl Vinson wasn.t ordered to Battle Condition II, let someone from Naval Command come forward and dispute that:
1. Ship control stations were fully manned
2. All lookout stations were fully manned
3. All detection apparatus manned
4. Water-tight Integrity Watch posted
.Chopped. is a naval term used when a ship changes course. I can no longer find this post on the Web. Personal Web sites and blogs come and go, and it.s common knowledge that technology exists to scrub content off the web.
Posts, blogs and comments just don.t disappear. Posts, blogs and comments are scrubbed.from the Internet
World Trade Center Collapse: Kerosene Fire, Controlled Demolition or a Third Story
Robert Singer is an Entrepreneur and the author of a forthcoming book on the Federal Reserve. His articles cover politics and the financial and environmental implications of our consumer society. The articles have been main headlined and can be found on numerous popular websites: Marketoracle, Silverseek, Pakistan Daily, Silver Bear Café, Goldseek, Dissident Voice, The Peoples Voice, LAprogressive, Canadafreepress,, Opednews, and many of the Wordpress sites. Richard Daughty, The Mogambo Guru, proclaimed him a Junior Mogambo Ranger (JMR).

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