Bush administration’s “domestic version of Operation Gladio
some US-American KNOW!!
The New Hampshire Gazette The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper mentions the word Gladio IN PRINT!!
GLADIO!! The forbidden word!
Operation Gladio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Gladio was a CIA undercover FALSE FLAG TERROR campaign by the OWNERS of this world against the people who want a fair share! Unions, leftists, you know. When they win elections then the murder-squads are sent in. Nowadays the MIGHY WURLITZER works to malign leftists enough to keep the PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT in place and the masses stupid. )Here it is: The First American Newspaper .... mentioning GLADIO.
Ready For A Departure
Friday, January 16, 2009—“Through last-minute rule changes and appointments, George W. Bush and his unindicted co-conspirators are doing their damnedest to extend the influence of the worst president in history as far into the future as they can.”
In the Fortnightly Rant which leads off our January 2 paper (Vol. CCLII, No. 7), we attempt to sketch the outlines of the Bush administration’s “domestic version of Operation Gladio,” the CIA’s series of clandestine paramilitary “stay-behind” organizations, “whose official purpose was to counter a possible Soviet invasion. Their membership often included former Nazis and other fascist sympathisers. They meddled in the internal politics of sovereign nations for decades before being exposed in 1990, and were involved in many cases of ‘false-flag’ terrorism and assassination.”
No survey of the evils of the Bush administration would be complete without reference to Dick “Dick” Cheney. That led us to a stroll down Memory Lane to recall The Original Dick, and his effort to screw the taxpayer out of nearly half a million bucks for a few boxes of paper.
You know.. the press in the USA is tightly controlled... it cannot even report about TURKEY PROSECUTING GLADIO... because we all should know by now, the CIA did pay for the murders and, worse, 911 was done in the same flase flag manner.. my US military intelligence special black-ops (who all died inside the pentagon or the World Trade Center. Only Henry Shelton survived, haha.)
de-mystify yourself:
ISRAEL - TURKEY -- Deep State Secret
Right to truth - 911 Gladio L77 Bali mumbai Islamabad UN-HQ-deMello
TV airs Ergenekon suspect Güney’s testimony
GLADIO -- CIA covert False Flag Terror
Gladio Ergenekon -- STATE TERROR HISTORY
News Briefs to page two The New Hampshire Gazette The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper™ • Editor: Steven Fowle • Founded 1756 by Daniel Fowle PO Box 756, Portsmouth, NH 03802 • editors@nhgazette.com • www.nhgazette.com Vol. CCLIII, No. 7 January 2, 2009 Live Free! or Die First Class U.S. Postage Paid Portsmouth, N.H., Permit No. 75 Address Service Requested Te Fortnightly Rant Enduring Bush’s Parthian Shots News Briefs:
Trying to Out-Nixon Nixon
The United States Constitution requires that in just eighteen days, the Bush Administration must vacate the premises at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, hand over the keys to the Pentagon and the State De- partment, and get the hell out of all the myriad other appendages of the Executive Branch. As they have since they frst f-nagled their way into ofce, they’re doing everything in their power to avoid com- plying with the document they clearly despise.
Trough last-minute rule changes and appointments, George W. Bush and his unindicted co-conspirators are doing their damnedest to extend the infuence of the worst president in history as far into the future as they can. With Congress distracted by more pressing business—raising campaign funds to spend on television advertise- ments—Bush Administration appointees are free to fddle with the Code of Fed- eral Regulations. It’s akin to putting the Pirates of the Caribbean in charge of a convent. When the Administration of Bush the Younger (and Dumber) was forced on us by the Supreme Court—the most-elitist institution in America—the frst things out of their mouths were whines about the “W” keys allegedly missing from White House computers. It was a lie, but the cor- porate media made sure it was well-spread, and never efectively corrected. But if it had been true, it would have made an il- luminating comparison with the rampant destruction being visited upon us, from sea to oily sea, o’er amber waves of geneti- cally-modifed grain, by Te Last Bush. No doubt it will be far harder for fu- ture-President Obama to reverse these rule changes than it was for Bush to make them. It’s always harder to build some- thing than it is to wreck something. In fact, hobbling the incoming president is probably part of the strategy. Te pair of thugs at the apex of the pyr- amid of failure that is the Bush Admin- istration seem to have a particular desire to ruin the only part of the country they claim to love and respect: the West. New rules will exempt old coal-burning power plants from newer, higher environ- mental standards as they are being refur- bished. Lands near national parks will be opened to oil drilling, and to new coal- burning power plants. Two million acres will be opened for the mining of oil-shale. Tis crackpot idea is the “Star Wars” of energy production. It will never
work but it just won’t die. All the water in the increasingly drought- stricken West won’t be enough for this as-yet-undesigned process, and it’s pretty clear that more energy will go into it than will ever come out. And so, Bush is slash- ing the royalties the oil companies will pay to the government for the extracted material. Uranium mining will now be permit- ted near the Grand Canyon. What’s the harm? Tourists are there only briefy. No one lives there except Native Americans. Coal companies will be allowed to dump the tops of mountains into rivers, as long as they can “demonstrate” that no water pollution will result. A child can see that that’s ridiculous, but by the time le- gitimate scientists can prove that the coal companies’ scientists were lying, West Virginia will be as fat as Kansas. Te Endangered Species Act is being gutted like a deer. Biologists will lose their role in deciding the impact of industry on species. Bureaucrats behind desks at fed- eral agencies are so much better suited for that sort of thing. And the revolving doors between their ofces and the corporations they’ll be regulating will assure that they don’t lose perspective. Speaking of competence, since self- regulation worked so well on Wall Street, Bush is going to leave it up to agribusi- nesses to decide whether or not they even need to apply for a permit to let the animal waste from their enormous feedlots seep into the nation’s aquifers. Just because their executives drink bottled water fown in from the Pyrenees is no reason to sus- pect they will let their pigs pee in Peoria’s tapwater. Clearly the Bush Administration’s War on Earth is total, and will not end on Jan- uary 20. But there’s no need for mere hu- mans to feel slighted by their destructive schemes. Somewhere, there are crosshairs trained on all us featherless bipeds, too. Literally. To liven up the back-to-nature experience, they’re going to
allow people to carry loaded, concealed frearms in na- tional parks. Te Bush Administration has always maintained that the government should not intrude into people’s personal lives. Te latest convenient gargantuan excep- tion to that rule applies to pregnant wom- en. And why not? Tey’re tough enough to look out for themselves. If they want information or advice about abortions, or—God help them—an actual referral, then the delicate religious sensibilities of the health care workers treating them will be protected by the government’s jack- booted thugs. Way to mind your own business, guys. To help enforce all these new regula- tions, the Bush Administration is setting up its own domestic version of Operation Gladio.* Dozens of key federal positions which were formerly
flled by presidential appointment are being converted into civ- il service jobs. Te incoming president will be barred from putting his own team in place beause Mr. Bush’s “reliable” political appointees are now protected by civil ser- vice rules. Smaller government, anyone? Te ancient Parthians had no saddles or stirrups. But they were such expert horse- men and archers that they could accurate- ly fre arrows at their enemies while riding away from them. Te Roman general Crassus learned the power of those Parthian shots in 53 BC, at Carrhae, in what is now southeastern Turkey. But that was a little too late for Crassus—and for the Roman Republic. Te Parthians, outnumbered four to one, killed half of Crassus’s legionnaires, and captured their battle standards. As for Crassus, the Parthians mocked him, then poured molten gold down his throat. Te Roman defeat at Carrhae helped assure the collapse of Roman Republic. Let’s hope Mark Twain was right when he said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” If there is any justice in the world, our Republic will survive Bush. And perhaps he will—metaphorically,
of course—sufer the fate of Crassus. Tis item pertains, naturally, to Vice President Dick “Dick” Cheney. Who else could or would attempt to compete with Te Master? Cheney’s lawyers, according to an Associated Press (AP) story datelined December 18, fled pa- pers in federal court last month maintaining that Cheney, and Cheney alone, has the author- ity to determine whether or not his papers are subject to the 1978 Presidential Records Act. (Para- doxically, every sentient being on earth knows his decision would be “No.”) Citizens for Responsibil- ity and Ethics in Washington, a “nonproft 501(c)(3) organiza- tion dedicated to promoting eth- ics and accountability in govern- ment,” is suing Cheney to force him to turn over his Vice Presi- dential papers to the National Archives, as the Act requires. Under its provisions, the Ar- chives would review the content of the documents, and return those which are personal or po- litical, and therefore exempt. Te AP reported without comment that “National Ar- chives ofcials have said records of Cheney’s dealings with th
e Republican National Committee [RNC] would not require pres- ervation under the law.” Tis ap- pears to be a dangerous loophole in the Act. Surely all Cheney’s communications with the RNC ought to go directly to the Jus- tice Department and be used as the basis for a barrage of felony indictments. For those who did not have the pleasure of living through those * After World War II, the CIA established a series of clandestine paramilitary “stay-
London underground bombs 7/7
behind” organizations, now known collectively as “Operation Gladio,” in nearly every country in western Europe. Teir ofcial purpose was to counter a possible Soviet invasion. Teir membership often included former Nazis and other fascist sympathisers. Tey meddled in the internal politics of sovereign nations for decades before being exp
Bali bomb like nuclear!!
osed in 1990, and were involved in
many cases of “false-fag” terrorism and assassination.Page 2 - The New Hampshire Gazette - January 2, 2009 Eliot Auto Used Cars - Reasonable Service & Towing, too Rt 236 Eliot, Me (207) 439-0263 163 Islington St ~ 436-7330 Market Square Jewelers Peter T. Henry & Joan K. Henry 12 Market Square, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 430-9587 Estate Jewelers Buy • Sell • Trade Loose Gems • Antique Restoration • Repairs Gold • Silver • Costume • Bead Restringing 8 Clifford Street Exeter, NH 778-6850 store 778-2670 café www.bluemoonmarket.net www.bluemoon-yoga.net South Street and Vine Wine for the table, not for the cellar. Sunday through Tursday: 11 am - 6 pm Friday and
Saturday: 9 am - 6 pm 359 Marcy St • 430-2984 News Briefs from page one New Boston Tool Room Corner of Rt 125 and New Boston Rd. Kingston, NH • 642-4054 Antique and Usable Tools for Collectors and Craftsmen days, the passage of the 1978 Presidential Records Act was due in part to the eforts of for- mer President Richard M. “Te Original Dick” Nixon and a few cronies. Not that Nixon was try- ing to get such a law passed. Far from it—he was trying to screw the taxpayer. In 1969, Congress passed a law prohibiting income tax deduc- tions for personal papers given to the government. Nixon had already donated his pre-Presi- dential papers to the National Archives. But his tax attorney, Frank DeMarco Jr., had not for- mally documented the transfer. In early 1970, DeMarco created a backdated deed, which Nixon and his wife Pat both signed. Te bogus document got them a tax deduction worth $576,000. After the scam was revealed Nixon had to cough up $386,721 to the IRS. A Treasury ofcial who was in on the job, Edward L. Morgan, got four months in the slammer. Nixon, though he had signed the document, always pled ignorance and denied any intent to defraud. Others familiar with his habits say Nixon, a former tax lawyer, always scrutinized his re- turns with a gimlet eye. And that fap was
only over Nixon’s pre-Presidential papers. Te Presidential papers were the real prize, considering Watergate and all the man’s other skulldug- gery. Te 25-year fght over their control fnally ended in 2000, when the Justice Department concluded an $18 million settle- ment with the Nixon family. “Te Nixon family at one point had asked,” a Justice press release said at the time, “that the papers be sold to the United States for up to $35 million plus 25 years of interest, which would have brought the asking price to more than $200 million.” Tis was truly a staggering at- tempt at holding up the taxpayer. But the Old Dick couldn’t hold a candle to the New Dick. It’s Oscar Season! Here’s something we never would have guessed: Jack Nich- olson will have to win a fourth Oscar to break his tie with that immortal star of stage and screen [drumroll]: Walter Brennan! Paging Mister Orwell … Te good news, from a Bush- ian point of view, is that the administration recently managed to conclude a Status of Forces agree- ment with the govern- ment of Iraq, providing a legal framework for the continued presence of U.S. forces there. Without that new agreement, U.S. forces in Iraq would have lost the fg leaf previously provided by a United Nations mandate, which ex- pired Wednesday. In theory, the last three weeks of Bush’s watch might have been spent scram- bling ignominiously trying to fy our troops elsewhere. Te bad news is that the new agreement requires that all U.S. combat troops must be out of Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009. By that time, of course, soon (but not soon enough) to be ex-pres- ident Bush will be busy Bush- whacking the brush around his faux-ranch in Crawford, Texas. But signals from the camp of President-Elect Obama indicate that he expects to keep “many thousands” of U.S. personnel in Iraq, at least through 2009. How, then, to reconcile the continued presence of U.S.
combat troops with the June 30 deadline? By waving a Wand, Magic, Mark IV, olive drab, over them, and turning them into “advisers.” “Political language … is de- signed to make lies sound truth- ful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”—George Orwell Loafer-Launcher Recuperating from Beating He Did Not Receive Two days after Muntadhar al-Zaidi threw both his shoes at George W. Bush during a Baghdad news conference, an Iraqi government spokesman denied that the loafer-launcher Hike the Milford Sound in New Zealand www.OnlyTheBestTravel.com Most of it has been carted of by now, but a week ago Monday a veritable Everest of snow could be seen dominating the western end of the Worth Building parking lot. Parked right next to the mountain of show was a little green Subaru Legacy sporting ski racks on the roof, and a bumper sticker bragging that “Tis car climbed Mt. Everest.” Sadly, it seems also to have descended said peak. Tus our Wandering Photographer failed to cap- ture what might otherwise have been a photograph with some entertain- ment value. Te management is, regrettably, forced once again to apologize to the long-sufering reader. Last chance to buy Bush-insulting trinkets at Macro Polo! Pick up a few for the grand-kids.Friday, January 2, 2009 - The New Hampshire Gazette - Page 3 News Briefs to page four had been injured in the resulting mélee, or in custody. Maj. Gen. Abdul-Karim Khalaf said “Te rumors about [Muntadhar] al- Zaidi being injured or being hurt are baseless. You can check that when you see him in the criminal court tomorrow morning.” Al-Zaidi did not appear in court the following day, however. On December 19, an Iraqi mag- istrate said an investigation had begun to determine how al-Zaidi came to acquire “bruises around the face and eyes.” Tree days later a court ofcial told Agence France Presse that the investiga- tion was over, and a trial
would begin December 31. He faces a maximum sentence of 15 years. It’s an ill-fung shoe that blows no good. Te Guardian reported December 22 that the Baydan Shoe Co. in Istanbul has hired 100 extra workers to meet the demand for their Model 271, al- Zaidi’s projectile of choice. A Weather Report Let’s see … To begin with, on Tursday, December 11 there was a huge ice storm which lead to the larg- est electrical power outage in the state’s history, exactly thirteen shopping days before Christmas. Hundreds of thousands of peo- ple were without power for days on end. Ten, on a Friday eight days later, as tens of thousands of people went without power and hundreds of utility crews worked around the clock to restore it, and just in time for the last big shop- ping weekend before Christmas, we had a sizeable snowstorm. Just for good measure a follow- up snowstorm of near-Biblical proportions (if it snowed in the Holy Land) hit us about forty- eight hours later—on the frst day of winter. We seem to recall that another snowstorm got shoehorned into the calendar prior to this lat- est one, the clipper that came through Wednesday, but at this point we can’t really be sure. Anyway, it seems safe to say that summer is over. Reassuring News … Sort Of Nanotechnology is the science of manipulating absurdly small bits of stuf. How small? If you line up 25.4 million widgets, nice and snug, and the whole row measures more than one inch long, they’re too big to be called “nano-.” Nanotechnology allows us to do things that were previously impossible. By bonding ions of pure silver to thread, for instance, nanotechnology has made it pos- sible to weave sox that kill bac- teria. Tis is of course a ridiculous example. But more important things can, and no doubt will, be done with nano-particles. A cable made of carbon nano- tubes, for instance, would theo- retically be strong enough to
hoist the cab of a space-elevator climbing tens of thousands of meters into space. Such a device would allow humans and equip- ment to achieve orbit at a fraction of the present cost. And, consid- ering that mechanical things al- ways break down sooner or later, those antibacterial sox might be less ridiculous than they seem. How long might it take to rescue people from a stuck space eleva- tor? One potential problem with nanotechnology is that stuf so small can be devilishly hard to control. Accidental spills in the manufacture of nano-tubes are considered “inevitable.” When inhaled by test rats, they settle in the lungs and brain, and cause serious infammation. Tey may prove to be as dangerous as as- bestos fbers. Early in Decem- ber, the U.S. National Research Council concluded there is an “urgent need” for a “national strategic plan” for the feld. Good news came from the U. of Pittsburgh last month, though. Apparently nano-tube spills can be successfully cleaned up with a paste made of hydrogen peroxide and horseradish. Globalization, Weather Jack Up Maple Syrup Prices One reason for this paper’s continued existence and cheery attitude is the editor’s daily bowl of hot oatmeal laced with genu- ine New Hampshire maple syrup. At about fve bucks a pint it’s an afordable luxury, one we’ve en- joyed for decades. So it was quite a shock earlier this year when the cashier at the supermarket for- merly known as the Pic ‘N Pay swiped a little pint jug across the scanner and the tally screen reg- istered “$10.49.” After a quick double-take, a trip back to the shelf verifed that was indeed the price. What the heck? Operating at our usual glacial pace, on Tuesday we fnally asked Barbara Lassonde, the Publicist for the New Hampshire Maple Te Regular members of the Flag Police have become rather lax of late. Tey seem to have gone where other uniformed forces have been known to go before,
falling for their own PR and resting on their own supposed laurels. Fortunately the Volunteers carry on. Tis extravagant violation of the Flag Code was captured with some difculty by a certain Exeter resi- dent whose anonymity we will preserve, in case he likes seafood. He writes, “this is quite the fagrant, ‘in-your-face’ torn fag, especially considering it is almost as big as the restaurant it fies over (next to Rye Harbor). Te failing is writ large in the sky.” Indeed it is, sir.Page 4 - The New Hampshire Gazette - January 2, 2009 now offering short run (& color copies) digital color printing PHINE S V graphic design/printing solutions ? 436.4402 108 Penhallow downtown Portsmouth since 1979 info@phineasgraphics.com More News Briefs from page three Northcountry Chronicle Confessions of a Hypochondriac Bill Eslinger Route 1, Lafayettte Rd, Portsmouth, NH CELL: (603) 969-3649 beslinger@portford.com Round Guy … Square Deal $ = 165 Deer Street (next to Gary’s) (603) 436-9600 • Closed Tuesday Now Serving Dinner 4 p.m. ‘til Closing More News Briefs to next page Producers Association, what was going on. Te huge price increase turns out to have been caused by a quadruple whammy. One whammy: the globaliza- tion of trade. “Until a couple of years ago,” Barbara said, “Quebec had huge warehouses with thou- sands of barrels of syrup.” Que- bec produces three-fourths of the world’s supply of syrup: 6.5 mil- lion gallons in 2007. Tat is more than 100 times New Hampshire’s production. Canada began increasing its marketing efort to China and Japan several years ago. To no one’s surprise, they liked the stuf. Quebec’s stockpile “must have gone in just the last few years,” Barbara told us. Another whammy: weather. “Tey had a bad year this spring in Quebec, and didn’t have that surplus to fall back on.” Maple syrup production is deeply de- pendent on weather conditions in late winter and early spring. A long winter and deep snow up north hampered production and
reduced output. As if all that were not enough, this spring’s oil price spike con- tributed an additional double- whammy all its own. Many large producers have been using oil- fred evaporators for years now, to boil their sap into syrup, so there’s that added expense. And, syrup is heavy, trucking wasn’t cheap before the oil price spike, now it’s worse. Add those four factors up and it’s no wonder the price of syrup is so high. For six years it bounced between $11 and $12 a quart. It went just over $12 in ‘05 and ‘06, then jumped to $13.30 in ‘07. Ten this year it just took of. “Te fgures for 2008 will not come out until June, 2009,” Bar- bara says, “but my guess is it will probably be somewhere between $14 and $17 per quart.” [Our graph splits the diference at $15.50—Te Ed.] “New Hampshire’s production jumped from a reported 60,000 gallons in 2007 to 85,000 gallons this year,” according to Barbara, “which was a banner year for those in the southern half of the state. Some producers said it was the best season they’d had in 75 years!” Which, for the area’s small producers, is a much-deserved reward. In a typical year, most of them barely make minimum wage, considering the labor in- volved. Don’t Worry About the Tree … Whenever we get onto the topic of maple syrup, we can’t help but fondly recall the late and much-lamented Donny Crane, by William Marvel Most people who knew him seem to agree that my father was a tough old bird. When he retired from the Navy he came home to Conway, where it was pretty hard to earn a liv- ing, and well into his ffties he worked in the woods as a logger. Pictures from that era show him with an ace bandage around his elbow, hinting at the tendonitis that surely troubled him, and once he went to the hospital with stomach bleeding from taking too much aspirin, but he never made a peep about the aches and pains that must have
tormented him. Tirty years later, when hard labor infamed his arthritis, he submitted to a cortisone shot in the shoulder a couple of times, and he never even mentioned the long, daunting needles that had to dive deep into the joint. For his last ten or ffteen years I helped him get his wood in. He was about eighty-two the autumn that we were cutting four-foot bolts of beech and maple on the shelf of land above Black Cat Swamp. We almost had the woods truck full when Fred Wheeler sauntered along with his hunting rife. Fred was a few years older than my father, who asked him why he didn’t go down into the swamp to do his hunting, since that’s where the deer were. Fred replied that if he shot a deer down there he would have to drag it up the hill, and he reminded us that he wasn’t as young as he used to be. “I know what you mean,” said my father, throwing a seventy- pound bolt of beech high up on top of the load. “Tis was a lot easier when I was sixty-fve.” My mother was just about the opposite. If she fell victim to a stomach fu she was sure it was ptomaine poisoning, or typhoid fever. By the time she was forty her fngers began to ache, and she spent much of her time between drags on her cigarette wring- ing her hands and moaning. She wrenched her back in a tumble down icy steps, and the cam- paign to alleviate the resulting pain lasted for years. She spent a couple of inconclusive weeks in Memorial Hospital and one in Massachusetts General, where a bed cost a hundred dollars a day, and then she began a regimen of chiropractors and painkillers that continued through much of the Kennedy administration. We had no health insurance then. Neither did most people, which is one reason that hospitals were comparatively cheap. My father barely cleared three thou- sand a year, though, pension and all, so the medical bills dogged him for over a decade.
Finally he and the doctors managed to con- vince my mother that she was merely sufering the onset of the arthritis that so often comes with middle age, so she stopped look- ing for a miracle cure, but the hand-wringing continued un- abated, as did the chain smoking. She had a couple of heart attacks, and eventually came down with galloping cancer, which killed her at sixty-four. I suspect that she died in the smug satisfaction that she was fnally proven right: she really was deathly ill, after all. I inherited more of my moth- er’s attitude toward health: I’m intensely squeamish about pain, and If I’m not feeling exactly right, then I must be dying. When long-distance driving initiated a few bouts of urinary tract infections, I assumed that some lethal kidney disease was doing me in, and on one occa- sion I concluded that I might as well just lie down and let it fn- ish the job. Te infection cleared up on its own after a couple of days, though, and I had to re- turn—somewhat reluctantly— to work. Te tension of raising a teenaged stepson without suc- cumbing to murderous impulses provoked recurrent indigestion that convinced me I had a per- forated ulcer. Abdominal cramps portend appendicitis, or colon cancer. Every twinge anywhere in the chest cavity feels so much like an incipient heart attack that I am constantly reminded of my failure to adequately amend my will. In fact this column comes as the fruit of that hypochondria. I awoke this morning with what feels like a bruise at the base of my skull, and the more I prod at it the more it feels like a lump. I don’t know how fast brain tumors grow, and I wanted to fnish this week’s contribution to the edito- rial page while I was still able. Retail Price of a Quart of Maple SyrupFriday, January 2, 2009 - The New Hampshire Gazette - Page 5 Lafayette Plaza, Route 1, Portsmouth, 422-6758 • Mon - Sat 8am - 8pm, Sun 10am -
6pm Where Memorable Meals Come Naturally. no matter what day of the week. 150 Congress Street Portsmouth, NH 603-766-FISH p 26 Fortnightly Issues, Now Mailed First Class P First Name: Last Name: Street Address: Town, City, or Burg: State: Zip Code: Gift Of: (Where Applicable) + 4: Mail this form with your check for $25 to: New Hampshire Gazette, PO Box 756, Portsmouth, NH 03802. Please print clearly. Offer good in U.S. only. New Hampshire Gazette Subscriptions Supporting Subscribers Only: Please Check Box at Right: (Supporting Subscribers pay the standard $25/yr, but make their money go twice as far for us by picking up their own papers at one of our many convenient locations.) Supporting Subscriber Moving Pictures January DVD’s Hundreds of products all made in the USA! Todd Lipscomb founded Made in USA Forever.com to provide an easy, fun way to buy products made in the USA. Stand with us to protect America’s ability to produce, create jobs, and remain a world leader. You can call Todd at 888-861-0365 (toll-free) or write to him at todd@madeinusaforever.com. Clothing • Toys • Furniture Tools • Automotive • Flags of the little town of Washington. Donny used the modern method of plastic tubing and gravity to collect most of his sap. But he also worked a considerable part of his sugar bush the old way, with a team of white and black oxen. Te massive animals would pull the big, old, heavily-built wooden sledge through the snow with hardly a word from Donny. It was like it was their idea, and he was working for them. Te sledge held a huge oaken cask, maybe fve feet wide at the base and tapered towards the top, to take the slopes of the hills without tipping over. Te top of the cask was all closed up except for a hinged wooden hatch. Donny’s part was to carry the buckets from the trees to the cask, open the door, empty the buckets, then trudge back to the tree to hang the buckets back up, as the oxen slowly set of, on their own, for
the next tree. Donny talked once about representing New Hampshire’s sugar producers one year at the “Te Big E,” the Eastern States Exposition that takes place every September in Springfeld, Mass. “Te one thing people always want to know about sugaring,” he said, in his slow, dry drawl, “is, what does it do to the tree? You know what they never ask?” “What does it do to the man?” Supporting Subscribers Rumor has it that the overall economy is not doing quite as well as many would hope. Natu- rally, here in the Piscataqua re- gion, where all the men are indus- trious, all the women are diligent, and some of the kids ought to be put to work in the coal mines, we haven’t sufered some of the indignities which burden other areas we could mention, like De- troit, or Las Vegas, or California in general. But like infuenza, re- ligious hysteria, and fawed eco- nomic theories, you never know when things might spread. It’s also worth noting that a number of news organizations less venerable than our own have found current economic condi- tions to be rather more challeng- ing than they were prepared for. Te New York Times, for instance, is putting its share of the Boston Red Sox up for sale. We will not be bidding, by the way. Part-own- ership in a baseball club might be a bit rich for our blood. Besides, a newspaper needs a baseball club like a fsh needs a bicycle. We generally try to concentrate, to the extent we are able, on get- ting ink onto these pages in such a way that it doesn’t just replicate something that the reader might fnd elsewhere. Between that, and trying to make sure at least some of it makes sense, we keep as busy as we’d like to be. Te present economic situ- ation being what it is, though, we’d like to make the point that just because it seems like we have always been here, does not guar- antee that we always will. Also, our advertisers—about whom more in a moment—may not all be able to aford
the same kind of preternatural serenity we seem, rightly or wrongly, to have achieved. And, in fact, they sup- ply us with the lion’s share of the funds we need to operate. So, we take this space to note that if our advertising dwindles in the coming months, our con- tinued existence could depend on our having a sufcient number of Supporting Subscribers. (Te handy form is just below.) Tank Our Advertisers Please remember, dear reader: our faithful advertisers are mak- ing it possible for us to bring you this paper. When you do business with them, please thank them for their ad in the New Hampshire Gazette. by Rodman Philbrick I f January turns out to be a very long month, don’t blame the weather. It’s a problem of rela- tivity in which “E” equals your personal energy level, “M” repre- sents the hours of darkness, and “C” the damp wool socks stifen- ing by the back door. Tere’s only one sane solution to the equa- tion, and that’s to throw another log on the fre, pour yourself a stif drink, and veg out in front of the fat screen until the sun starts doing chin-ups at a reasonable hour. A few new DVD’s may help reduce that pesky IQ. Appaloosa: Fans of the Boston based ‘Spenser’ novels long ago twigged to the notion that au- thor Robert B. Parker was really writing modern Westerns. His detective is, for all intents and purposes, a white hat gunsling- er with a kick-ass sidekick, and at some point they always face down the bad guys in a shoot- out that’s an urban variation on Gunfght At Te O.K. Corral. So it should come as no surprise that when Mr. Parker pens an actual Western, it nicely fts the con- ventions of the genre, delivering solid characters, some of whom will fgure out that a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do, espe- cially if Rénee Zellwegger needs support, moral and otherwise. Adapted by actor/director Ed Harris, who also stars as itiner- ant lawman
Virgil Cole (sidekick by Viggo Mortensen), Appaloosa demonstrates that at least one great American (literary) in- vention has survived the recent meltdown. Bangkok Dangerous: Once upon a time (in 1999 to be ex- act) young Hong Kong director Danny Pang and his twin broth- er Oxide (real name) moved to Bangkok and made a movie about a doomed assassin who fnally chose true love over mur- der, or in his case, survival. Te assassin is a bad, bad dude, but in the conceit of the genre, he’s also remarkably cool and somehow sympathetic, unlike real life but- ton men; for example, Stephen “Te Rifeman” Flemmi, who is about as cool and sympathetic as a rabid weasel. Te Pang brothers made a name for themselves with Bangkok Dangerous and went on to make a whole series of spooky Hong Kong-style ficks, notably Te Eye, about a blind girl who gets a cornea transplant and then sees, gasp, dead people, which spawned more sequels than you can shake a skeleton at. In 2008 the Pangs went back to the be- ginning, reshooting Bangkok Dangerous with a major Ameri- can star, Nicolas Cage. Stylish, violent, and way more fun than the fu. City of Ember, based on the novel by Jeanne Duprau, is a viv- idly told dystopian tale about the survivors of an apocalypse liv- ing deep beneath the earth. Te lights are about to go out, and two young protagonists set out on a wild adventure to save the last remnants of the human race be- fore the fnal darkness descends. Okay, that’s Bill Murray as the Mayor and yes, this is meant to be family entertainment with an uplifting message (sorry, no cool assassins), but if you’ll put aside your comforting cloak of ironic detachment for ninety minutes or so, you’ll emerge feeling better about yourself, if not the rest of humanity. Vicky Christina Barcelona is for all you alpha males who are in- terested in exploring your femi- nine side. Or maybe you just like Woody
Allen movies. And if that doesn’t foat your boat, maybe Pe- nelope Cruz or Scarlett Johans- son will do the trick. Besides, all that irony you put on hold (see above) will come in handy. Vicky (Rebecca Hall) and Cristina (Ms. Johansson) both fall for Span- ish artiste Javier Bardem, whose ex-wife (Ms. Cruz) isn’t quite through with him. Tink ménage with a twist and just go with the fow. Speaking of fow, if you’re into reefer madness, Te Pineapple Express goes where Cheech and Chong often dared to go. You will not be surprised to discover the ubiquitous Seth Rogan playing a stoner slacker whose best bud is dealer James Franco. After wit- nessing a murder, the two decide the best thing to do is get wasted and then fnd themselves on the run from gun-toting Rosie Perez. We’ve all been there, right? Pass the pipe, dude, and don’t forget that E=MC stoned.Page 6 - The New Hampshire Gazette - January 2, 2009 Mash Notes, Hate Mail, Where the grass is always greener. Natural/organic fertilizing programs ALL SEASON LAWN CARE PO Box 645 Cape Neddick, ME 03902 (207) 361-1500 Active French School French Classes. All Levels, All Ages 603.430.2020 www.activefrenchschool.com Green House Eco-Friendly Painting Services Dru Chichester (603) 438-5837 DRUCHICHESTER@ YAHOO.COM Next to City Hall in Downtown Dover, NH 3 Hale Street j (603) 742-1737 The New Hampshire Gazette The Nation’s Oldest Newspaper™ Founder: Daniel Fowle (1715—1787) Published Fortnightly on Alternate Fridays PO Box 756, Portsmouth, NH 03802 www.nhgazette.com • (603) 433-9898 • editors@nhgazette.com Subscriptions: $25 per year for 26 issues See Page Five for Subscription Form Now Mailed First Class Editor: Steven Fowle • Starving Artiste: Michael Dater Business (Such as it Is) Manager: Rose Eppard Columnist: William Marvel • Moving Picture Reviewer: Rodman Philbrick • 100 Proof Department: Rose Eppard, Jane Porter, Pat Day, and Marcia Jebb • Freelance Instigator & Unindicted Co-conspirators: Win Rhoades and
Jack Cleary Distributor: New England Distribution Network • Downtown Distributors: Adam Williams, Megan “Moonbeam” Stelzer, Shawn White, Murph • Subscription Fulfllment: Sally Strazdins, Gail Drobnyk, Rose Eppard, Jane Hofman, Joan Jacobs, Steph Holdridge • Postal Hauler: Sally Strazdins 33 Vaughan Mall • Portsmouth, NH 03801 • 603-431-2243 Unique Gifts for Everyone on Your List .com 214 State St., Portsmouth, NH (603) 431-1897 Te U.S. Clings To Its Cluster Bombs and Land Mines To the Editor: In 2006, Israel dropped thou- sands of tons of bombs on Leba- non. Te bombs were courtesy of the United States, which country even sped up the delivery of said bombs when requested. Among the bombs employed were cluster bombs. Cluster bombs are bombs which when used release hun- dreds of bomblets which, when detonated, shoot out hundreds of fragments capable of penetrating four-inch steel. On September 12, 2006, Haaretz, an Israeli newspa- per, quoted a rocket unit leader, “What we did was insane and monstrous, we covered entire towns in cluster bombs.” It is estimated that one million bomblets did not detonate at the time and have killed or wounded more than 300 Lebanese since 2006. Victim 301 of these bom- blets was ffteen-year old Mo- hamed, who, on May 4, 2008, lost his right eye and normal use of one hand. Tis occurred one and a half years after the bombing! “Insane and monstrous” in- deed, but the monstrousness goes beyond even that because despite two years of requests by the United Nations, the interna- tional community, and humani- tarian organizations, Israel has refused to supply information of its strike data, which data would help the teams trying to rid the region of the bomblets. On September 5, 2008, Ste- phen Vampetgehem, a Belgian, age 35 and the father of two, a member of the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon was killed while clearing cluster bomblets. Te United States is absolutely complicit
in that death as well as the billions of dollars of damage done to the buildings and infra- structure of Lebanon, the people killed and wounded, those trau- matized, and farmers afraid to farm their land. Tis month, 94 countries in- cluding Great Britain, Australia, Canada, France, and Germany signed a convention agreeing not to use such weapons. Te United States did not. Secretary Rob- ert Gates said that his country would continue to use its arsenal (at least 750 million submuni- tions) for the next ten years. Lester LeViness Nyack, NY Lester: Odd as it may seem, there is something that unites U.S. defense policymakers and people who have just lost an eye, or a limb, or a rela- tive to either a cluster bomblet, or to a land mine. Bureaucrat or peasant, neither one sees a dime’s worth of diference between the two explosive devices. Te U.S. won’t sign a treaty to ban either one. And it hardly matters to their victims whether they’re killed or maimed by one or the other. Here’s the diference: if the crazed dweller of a remote cabin builds an object intended to explode and maim or kill, the law calls it an “infernal device.” If a corporation uses mass production to build thou- sands of such objects, then sells them for a proft to a superpower that re- sells them to a client state so as to maintain global dominance, that’s the use of a legitimate munition in accordance with international standards. Perhaps after January 20 there will be a change in U.S. policy that we can believe in. Te Editor War Crimes in Gaza To the Editor: Te following is an open letter to Congresswom- an Carol Shea-Porter: Both as a Vietnam veteran and as a psychotherapist, I have dealt with the immeasurable costs of war, including treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD is a scourge that can strike not only individuals but societies as a whole. A prime example is Israel, which carries both the trauma born
of its short violent history as a nation and the collective traumatic memories of the Jew- ish people. With such a history, it is understandable that Israel would tend to be fearful and to overreact to perceived threats to its existence. But because Her actions are understandable does not make them right. What Israel is doing in Gaza is unconscionable! In the frst day alone of aerial bombing, Israel killed or wounded 1000 Palestinians—all this in retali- ation for recent mortar attacks which did not kill a single Israeli citizen. As Israel’s biggest supporter, it is time for our country, along with Israel’s many friends around the world, to do an intervention to help Her from destroying herself from her own irrational, counterproductive, immoral ac- tions. We need to break through Is- rael’s denial and condemn Her recent actions for what they are: war crimes. Jean Stimmell Northwood, NH Jean: As astute a summary of the situa- tion as we’ve seen. Your background in psychology gives it credibility. America’s adventure in Vietnam had a similar efect on our own country. Without our collective PTSD from Vietnam, would we have fallen for Bush’s invasion of Iraq? Te Editor Bailout? What Happened to the PNGV Efcient Vehicles? To the Editor: As the disgraced Detroit three automakers are asking Congress for tens of billions of taxpayer dollars, we should remember the last several billion that we gave the industry, and the outcome of it. In the 1990s, the Partner- ship for a New Generation of Vehicles worked to make 80+ miles per gallon cars and allowed for communications amongst the scientists of the big three auto makers to help speed that pro- cess along. Te Partnership was a huge success, with three 70+ miles per gallon prototypes. General Mo- tors had the Precept, a 5-seat se- dan with ample trunk space, with one version getting 108 miles per gallon equivalent,
running on hydrogen. Ford had the Prodigy, getting 72 miles per gallon, and Daimler-Chrysler also had a 72 miles per gallon vehicle. Taxpay- ers were proud that their billions were not wasted, and expected these vehicles on the market. But none of the automakers put any of these vehicles into production, or anything similar. Instead, they chose gas-guzzling SUVs, the epitome of stupid- ity from a climate change and energy conservation perspective. Using slick ads to push their be- hemoth vehicles, the auto makers are among the biggest culprits in the fast rise in greenhouse gas emissions in the Untied States. What happened to the efcient vehicles? Te failure to incorpo- rate that technology was also a major cause of our economic col- lapse. With the rise in gas prices this past summer, the values of SUV’s plummeted, and for many, their gas guzzlers are now worth less than the loan they have on them. Why should we give a bail- out now, when the automakers are the ones who put themselves into the crisis they are in through their own idiocy? Why don’t they dust of these efcient vehicles and put them into production, something both our wallets and our planet could have used a de- cade ago? Tey say those who forget his- tory are bound to repeat it. After the foolish follies of the auto in- dustries, in pushing gas guzzlers on the American public (along with tax breaks that they manip- ulated through Congress), why should we bail them out? What we need is massive in- vestment in mass transit and high speed passenger rail: a much bet- ter way to travel with exponen- tial fuel savings compared to the most efcient vehicles. Chad Kister Nelsonville, Ohio Kister is the Author of Arctic Quest: Odyssey Trough a Treat- ened Wilderness Area; Arctic Melt- ing: How Climate Change is De- stroying One of the World’s Largest Wilderness Area and Against All Odds: Te Struggle to Save Te Ridges. He is also
the producer of the 2006 flm, Caribou People. www.chadkister.com 4 Camp Hope Holds Obama To “Change” Pledge To the Editor: “From the people who put you in ofce … ” Determined to keep Presi- dent-elect Barack Obama true to his promise of change, peace and economic justice activists kick of an 18-day outdoor vigil January 1, four blocks from the Illinois Senator’s home in Chicago. Camp Hope (camphope2009. org), headquartered in the Windy City’s Drexel Square Park, seeks to have Obama swiftly enact eight initiatives on issues he sup- ported during his campaign. Friday, January 2, 2009 - The New Hampshire Gazette - Page 7 NATURAL GATHERINGS GARDENS WEDDINGS WREATHS SARAH PELLERIN 603 659 8770 Great Jewelry Imported Soaps & Bath Comforts 65 Market Street Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 431-0694 Featuring Skagen Watches & Dr. Hauschka Skin Care Te Press Room home of Beat Night with Larry Simon & Groove Bacteria third Tursday of the month, 7:00 p.m. 62 Congress St. Portsmouth, NH 603-430-0353 P Po o r r t t s sm mo o u u t t h h C Ca a n n d d l l e e C Co o. . P Po o r r t t s sm mo o u u t t h h C Ca a n n d d l l e e C Co o. . Unique gifts Electric lighting 62 Congress St. Portsmouth, NH 603-430-0353 Unique gifts Electric lighting P Po o r r t t s sm mo o u u t t h h C Ca a n n d d l l e e C Co o. . P Po o r r t t s sm mo o u u t t h h C Ca a n n d d l l e e C Co o. . Unique gifts Electric lighting 62 Congress St. Portsmouth, NH 603-430-0353 Unique gifts Electric lighting 62 Congress St. Portsmouth, NH 603-430-0353 P Po o r r t t s sm mo o u u t t h h C Ca a n n d d l l e e C Co o. . 62 Congress St. Portsmouth, NH 603-430-0353 Unique gifts Electric lighting “It smells good in here.” P Po o r r t t s sm mo o u u t t h h C Ca a n n d d l l e e C Co o. . 62 Congress St. Portsmouth, NH 603-430-0353 Unique gifts Electric lighting “It smells good in here.” “It smells good in here.” “It smells good in here.” “It smells good in here.” “It smells good in here.” And Other Correspondence
427-2919 “We’re worth the trip.” haikumuse.com Hear geese make their way up the misting Piscataqua NewY ear’s Day Tom D’Evelyn A Tursday, 1:00 p.m. news conference will feature ministers, a Chicago City Alderman, a 25 year-old father facing deporta- tion after living in the U.S. for 17 years, and the mother of Tomas Young, a paraplegic Iraq war vet- eran featured in the movie, Body of War. Kathy Kelly, co-director of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, the Chicago group organiz- ing Camp Hope, said, “We feel responsible to give visibility to needed, progressive change at a time when the powerful seek to maintain the status quo of war- fare and unbridled greed. Te reckless abandon they exhibit is a sad reminder of the Bush Re- gime.” Te Chicago native said the camp is simply saying to Presi- dent-elect Obama, “Don’t leave these ideas out in the cold. Tey are from the people who put you in ofce.” Te ideas are in eight policy areas, including: War in Iraq, Af- ghanistan and Pakistan, Global Climate Change, Nuclear Weap- ons, Guantanamo and Torture, Immigrant Rights, Unemploy- ment and the Prison-Industrial Complex, Housing Foreclosures, and Universal Health Care To date groups in California, Missouri and Maine plan local activities in conjunction with Chicago’s Camp Hope. Initial press inquiries have come from French and Japanese journalists but to date, none from U.S. cor- porate news outlets. A St. Louis activist, Bill Ram- sey, in an op-ed titled, “Charting a Course Toward Change,” said, “Te helm is in transition and those who row can change the course. Setting down our oars and speculating how the new captain will steer is not an option.” He added, “Te fundamen- tal social changes we claim as our common history … were achieved when social movements insisted that new presidents take immediate actions, which then became the impetus for more profound changes.” Woodrow
Wilson, elected in 1912, did not support “votes for women.” But determined suf- fragists lobbied Congress and kept the issue in the forefront of public opinion with parades, ar- rests and hunger strikes. In 1918 Wilson fnally urged Congress to pass the 19th amendment which states ratifed in 1920. Franklin Roosevelt began his frst term with labor strikes be- coming common. Within the frst 18 months of his frst term, a wave of strikes and radical pro- tests by the unemployed brought about the frst labor laws, unem- ployment and social security. Kennedy was elected in 1960, the year the lunch counter sit- ins of the civil rights movement began. Te protests grew until a reluctant president and his at- torney general stepped in on the side of the movement, eventually leading to passage of civil rights legislation in 1964 and 1965. In the spring of 1962, a delegation of Quakers vigiled outside the White House. Kennedy invited six of them to the Oval Ofce to listen to their case. Grassroots pressure was an important factor, along with intervening historical events, that helped steer Kennedy away from his original cold war- rior path to support a nuclear test ban and order the withdrawal of troops from Vietnam. [?—Ed.] In 1976, grassroots pressure, including vigils outside his home in Plains, Georgia, succeeded in getting Jimmy Carter to listen to their reasons to grant amnesty to Vietnam war resisters and cancel the B-1 Bomber. On his second day in ofce Carter granted am- nesty to the resisters and within 6 months cancelled the B-1 Bomber. Te program for Camp Hope’s 18-day vigil includes presenta- tions from Dr. Quentin Young, an expert on universal health care; Stephen Kinzer, author and former New York Times foreign correspondent, Col. Ann Wright and Veterans For Peace Director, Michael McPhearson on “Aban- doning War,” a screening of the Stanley Kubrick classic, Dr. Strangelove and the 2007 Acad- emy
Award-winning documen- tary, Taxi to the Dark Side. Mike Ferner Toledo, OH Mr. Ferner is the author of In- side the Red Zone: A Veteran For Peace Reports from Iraq; www. mikeferner.org Mike: You said it. Te corporate media are doing a job of allowing propa- gandists like Fox News to insert the bogus concept of a “center-right America” into the political dialogue. We need to set Obama and the Democrats in Congress straight. Te Editor 4 Our Once Great Republic Is Now Fascist To the Editor: It was Tomas Jeferson who said: “Te issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.” It appears to many, that our once great republic has been morphed into an oligarchy that incrementally has taken our gov- ernment in an opposite direction; that is, from being the protector of our freedoms, to restoration of the feudal chains from which our forefathers escaped. Tis direction is perceived by many as “socialism,” the histori- cal predecessor of “communism.” Tis direction actually repre- sents public interests, but it has insidiously put big business mo- nopolies into rewriting laws to privatize core public institutions for private Corporate proft. A good example is the unconsti- tutional “Easy Pass” monopoly, which violates constitutional Article 83, Part II. Accordingly, these monopolies are in collusion with corporate government at the expense of the taxpayers. Such behavior is the betrayal of honor, in regard to core Constitutional virtues “of, by and for the people.” It is a scofng at the mandates of the supreme law of the land. Vio- lations of Oaths of Ofce and a “Wink and a Nod” are the order of the day as the taxpayers pock- ets are being picked. Most will describe it as anti- fascist; but, is this direction really “socialist?” History will attest that “fas- cism” was defned by Benito Mussolini, who is second
only to Hitler in giving meaning to the word “fascism.” Mussolini said, “Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.” Dick Marple Hooksett, NH Dick: For some reason, whenever we agree with you, we fnd it a little bit frightening. Te Editor 4 Dear Governor Lynch To the Editor: Te follow- ing is an open leter to Governor Lynch: When “W.” appointed his buddy to head FEMA ( Joe All- baugh) and the New Orleans di- saster struck, both Bush and All- baugh were responsible for the mess that followed. When the Governor of Massachusetts [Re- publian Paul Cellucci] appointed Virginia Buckingham, his press secretary, to head [Massport, responsible for] Logan Airport, by her own admission she had zero experience. She didn’t have the experience to run the Law- rence, or Nashua, or Dartmouth airports, and 9/11 falls clearly on their shoulders. She was to- tally unprepared to deal with the needed security and could have caught the terrorists with box cutters and avoided the 9/11 di- sasters. Governor Lynch, Tis is not your frst term as Governor, so this whole New Hampshire Ice Storm, of record proportions, falls clearly on your shoulders. Te PUC and PSNH and Unitil management cannot be blamed on Benson, this mess occurred on your watch. You carried towns that Obama, Shaheen, and Shea-Porter didn’t. You got a mandate and won re- election in a cakewalk. If heads don’t roll and there is not an in- vestigation into the ill prepared- ness of the PUC, PSNH and Unitil, your next election will not be a cake walk. Tis is New Hampshire, not Tennessee. At least an ice storm in Tennessee would be consid- ered an abnormality, but in New Hampshire an ice storm that af- fects over 300,000 homes and takes over 12 + days to recover should have been an agenda item at someone’s meeting to discuss what if disaster plans. Heads
gotta roll. Joel Saren Portsmouth, NH Joel: You seem a bit harsh on Lynch, but the PUC clearly needs deep scrutiny. Te EditorPage 8 - The New Hampshire Gazette - January 2, 2009 Sunday, January 4 Monday, January 5 Tuesday, January 6 Wednesday, January 7 Thursday, January 8 Friday, January 9 Saturday, January 10 Sunday, January 11 Monday, January 12 Tuesday, January 13 Wednesday, January 14 Friday, January 16 Saturday, January 17 10:21 4:30 10:37 11:19 5:30 11:32 4:59 4:06 12:21 6:34 12:30 5:56 4:24 10:46 5:11 5:20 11:39 6:01 11:27 6:13 12:31 6:51 12:18 7:06 1:23 1:08 7:39 6:55 12:00 1:58 Thursday, January 15 7:38 7:59 2:15 1:31 8:27 7:56 2:25 2:49 8:54 8:41 3:09 2:30 9:17 8:54 3:23 3:41 9:39 9:52 Everything for the traveler . . . except the tickets! 7 Commercial Alley (1/2 block from Market Square) Historic Downtown Portsmouth Phone: (603) 431-5556 Admiral Fowle’s Piscataqua River Tidal Guide (Not for Navigational Purposes) 1:24 Tibetan Buddhist Study Portsmouth and Barrington NH Newcomers Welcome www.nhkagyu.org (603) 664-9586 (207) 438-9338 3:29 4:07 16 Market Square, Portsmouth, NH (603) 436-6006 Therapeutic Massage, Aromatherapy & Bodywork Jill Vranicar• Kate Leigh • Lucy Bloomfeld Portsmouth is bounded on the north and east by the Piscataqua River. Depending on which tour boat captain you believe, it’s the second, the third, or the fourth fastest-fowing navigable river in the country. Te Piscataqua’s remarkable current is caused by the tide which, in turn is caused by the moon. Te other major player is a vast sunken valley, about ten miles upriver. Twice a day, the moon drags roughly seventeen billion gallons of salt water from the ocean, up the river, into Great Bay. (If the moon ever stopped moving that water for us, it could be replaced with 2,125,000 tanker trucks.) Te moon’s meddling creates a roving hydraulic confict as incoming sea and outgoing river collide. Te skirmish line moves from the mouth of the river, past New Castle, around the bend by the old Naval Prison, under Memorial Bridge, past the tugboats, and on
towards Great Bay. Tis spectacle can best be seen when the chart below shows the tide rising. A good place to watch is the little deck near the sterns of the tugboats, of Ceres Street. Twice a day, too, the moon lets all that water go. All the salt water that just fought its way upstream goes back to rejoin the ocean. Tis is when the Piscataqua earns its title for xth fastest current. A good place to observe this is from Bow Street, up by St. John’s church. Look up the river, from one of the little parking lots between the buildings. (Don’t try to drive or park there, that won’t work.) You’ll see a red buoy, at the upstream end of Badger’s Island, bobbing around in the current. Tat buoy weighs several tons, is nine feet wide, and it bobs and bounces in the current like a cork! Te river also has its placid moments, around high and low tides. Often when the river rests, its tugboats and drawbridges work their hardest. Ships coming in heavily laden with coal, oil, and salt generally do so at high tide, for maximum clearance under their keels. When they leave empty, riding high in the water, they tend to go at low tide, for maximum clearance under Memorial Bridge. 9:51 4:18 10:09 10:34 2008—Five Iranian small boats ap- proach three Navy warships in the Gulf of Hormuz. Te Navy mis- takes a crazed ham radio operator’s “You will explode” for a real threat. 1987—Tomas Stevens becomes the frst man to bicycle around the world. 1971—In Vietnam, soldier George Mellendorf mails a letter to White House complaining of slow mail delivery. It arrives in 1978. 1965—Te Free Speech Move- ment holds its frst legal rally. 1965—In Washington, the Sam Rayburn Ofce Building is com- pleted; the cost overrun is some- what more than four thousand percent. 1960—An automobile provides an answer of sorts to Albert Camus’ big question. 1958—Sputnik burns up on re- entry. 1955—U.S. agrees to pay Japan for nuking the Marshall Islands. 1945—Anti-draft revolt begins in Raguse,
Italy. 1933—In Primghar, Iowa, farmers put a rope around a banker’s neck and threaten to lynch him unless he promises to end foreclosures. 1903—Topsy, an elephant who had killed three trainers, is electrocuted at Coney Island. 41 BC—Te Roman Emperor Caligula is murdered by his own troops, angry over unpaid wages. 1996—Tenor Richard Versalle, as Vitek in Janácek’s Te Makropulos Case, delivers the line “you can only live so long,” sufers a heart attack, falls to the stage, and dies. 1987—President Reagan produces frst trillion dollar budget with $107 billion defcit. 1970—Mine workers union presi- dential candidate Joe Yablonski is killed on orders of incumbent president “Tough” Tony Boyle. 1968—Dr. Spock is indicted for expressing concern about the health of his former patients now in uniform. 1942—Mutual Broadcasting’s John B. Hughes begins an anti-Japanese- American radio campaign that results in the establishment of U.S. concentration camps. 1937—Te Abraham Lincoln Bri- gade is formed to fght fascism— “prematurely,” some say. 1914—Henry Ford establishes 8 hr. day & $5/day pay. 1895—Stepping onstage in re- sponse to cries of “Author, author,” after the frst performance of his play Guy Dornville, Henry James fnds himself jeered of. 1825—Young Alexander Dumas, père, fghts his frst duel, during which his pants fall down. 1781—Former American General Benedict Arnold assists the British in the burning and plundering of Richmond, Va. 1999—Congress begins impeach- ment trial of Bill Clinton for threatening the Constitution with a cigar. 1980—San Francisco honors the 100th anniversary of the death of Emperor Norton I with a party. 1970—Woodstock, N.Y. farmer Max Yasgur is sued by his neigh- bors for damages resulting from his entertaining over 500,000 guests. 1969—Look magazine calls Jimi Hendrix a “menace to public health.” 1943—Nicola Tesla dies in obscu- rity in New York City. 1929—Te
comic strip “Buck Rog- ers” makes its debut. 1927—Te Harlem Globetrotters play their frst game. 1920—Five socialists are expelled from the NY Assembly. 1903—Birth of Zora Neale Hur- ston, famous black female writer during Harlem Renaissance, maid in the 1950s. 1806—Cherokees cede 7,000 square miles of land in Tennessee and Alabama. In return, they are not killed. 1800—Birth of future President Millard Fillmore. 1773—Capt. James Cook crosses the Artic Circle for the frst time in HMS Resolution. 1400—For plotting to kill King Henry IV of England, the Duke of Surry is relieved of his head. 2008—Hillary Clinton wins the New Hampshire primary. 2007—Te sub U.S.S. Newport News collides with an oil tanker in the straits of Hormuz. 2003—“Te war on terror involves Saddam Hussein,” explains George W. Bush, “because of the nature of Saddam Hussein, the history of Saddam Hussein, and his willing- ness to terrorize himself.” 1992—At a formal dinner in Japan, Bush #41 turns his head to Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa and vomits in his lap. 1973—Te Watergate Burglar trial begins. 1966—In the largest single op- eration of the Vietnam War, 8,000 U.S. troops go looking for VC HQ in the Ho Bo Woods. Tey don’t fnd it. 1965—Sen. Everett Dirksen pro- poses adoption of the marigold as America’s national fower. 1958—Accident at Chelyabinsk plutonium plant in U.S.S.R. kills hundreds. 1956—Hoaroani Indians in the Ecuadoran rainforest register their annoyance with missionaries by spearing fve to death. 1946—Over 10,000 GIs in Saipan, Guam and France protest slow re- deployment back to the U.S. 1916—Allies retreat from Galli- poli after a campaign costing half a million lives. 2002—Future Attorney General Alberto Gonzales writes that parts of the Geneva Conventions are “obsolete” and “quaint.” 1967—Signs of progress in Viet- nam: 116,858 South Vietnamese troops deserted this year, up from 113,000 last year. North Vietnam-
ese desertions numbered 20,242. 1964—Panama suspends relations with U.S. after U.S. troops kill 21 anti-American protesters. 1956—“Dear Abby” begins dis- pensing advice in newspapers. 1952—In Phenix City, Alabama, anti-vice crusader Hugh Bently’s house is destroyed by a bomb. 1939—In Missouri, 1,700 tenant farmers and their families stage a sit-down strike in the middle of Highway 60. 1913—Richard Milhous Nixon is born in Yorba Linda, CA. 1883—In Lyons, France, 68 anar- chists are brought to trial. 1805—Ohio passes “Black laws” prohibiting blacks from giving tes- timony in court. 1793—In Philadelphia, Jean-Pierre Blanchard makes the frst hot-air balloon ascension in the United States, with George Washington in the audience. 1766—In Portsmouth, “a grand mob” forces stamp-master G. Meserve to surrender his commis- sion. Ten they raise the frst “No Stamp” fag in the colonies. 2006—“You took an oath to de- fend our fag and our freedom,” George W. Bush tells members of the VFW, “and you kept that oath underseas and under fre.” 2002—George W. Bush denies that he has ever met Ken Lay, his largest campaign donor. 1984—Crewmen at Warren AFB, near Cheyenne, WY, responsing to a false alarm about an accidental missile launch, park an armored car atop the silo. 1967—Lester Maddox, high school dropout restaurateur who gave pick-ax handles to customers to prevent integration, becomes Governor of Georgia. 1957—Four black churches and homes of two black leaders in Bir- mingham, Ala. are bombed. 1946—“I hate war as only a sol- dier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its stupidity,” says Dwight D. Eisen- hower in Ottawa. 1920—Victor Berger (Socialist- Wisconsin) is refused a seat in Congress for opposing WW I. 1914—Te double murder for which Joe Hill will be hanged is committed in Salt Lake City. 1880—Te funeral of Emperor Norton I draws 20,000. 1855—Te last 88
Clackamas In- dians sign away the best timber- land in Oregon for $500 and some food. 2008—”Tere will be a signed peace treaty [between Israel and the Palestinians] by the time I leave ofce,” says George W. Bush. 2003—“You can count on this,” Donald Rumsfeld tells Saudi Prince Bandar, showing him plans for the Iraq War. “Tis is going to happen.” 2000—”Rarely is the question asked,” says George W. Bush, “is our children learning?” 1974—Joint Chiefs of Staf Chair- man Admiral Tomas Moorer is reported to have placed spies in the executive branch to obtain secret information on U.S. diplomatic initiatives. 1968—London’s Daily Mirror re- ports that Jimi Hendrix has moved into George F. Handel’s old digs. 1918—Edward Aloysius Murphy Jr., creator of “Murphy’s Law,” is born. 1912—In Lawrence, Mass. 32,000 women and children strike for bread … and roses. 1908—For refusing to obey the law and register as an Asian, Mohandas Gandhi is jailed in South Africa. 1906—Birth of Albert Hofmann, discoverer of LSD. 1887—Frenchman Clement Du- val is condemned to death. Fellow anarchists protest and his sentence is commuted: Devil’s Island. He escapes, and lives to be 85 among Italian anarchists in New York. 1991—Congress authorizes the frst Bush vs. Hussein War. 1971—Reverend Philip Berrigan is indicted for conspiring to kidnap President Nixon and bomb federal buildings. 1967—Dr. James H. Bedford be- comes the frst human frozen in hopes of later re-animation. 1954—John Foster Dulles, Secre- tary of State and brother to C.I.A. chief Allen Dulles, announces that the containment of Communism is over, and the threat of massive re- taliation is here. 1951—Wheelchair-bound Albert Guay, convicted of bombing an airliner, is rolled to the gallows in Canada. 1932—Hattie Wyatt Caraway (D- Ark.) becomes the frst woman elected to the U.S. Senate. 1928—Ruth Snyder becomes the frst woman to be photographed dying in the
electric chair. 1879—British forces in Natal in- vade Zululand. 1864—Kit Carson and his fellow heroes kill 11 Navajos in Canyon de Chelly, Arizona Territory. 1833—A new law makes it illegal for any Indian to remain within the bounds of the state of Florida. 1641—In James City, Va., a law is passed providing that, if any Indian commits a crime, the frst Indian caught must pay the penalty—with his life, if necessary. 2006—Te CIA bombs a village in Pakistan, but instead of killing Ayman al-Zawahiri, they get 18 innocent people. 2002—George W. Bush, watching a ball game, passes out. He claims to have been overcome by a pretzel. Ex-British Foreign Secretary Lord David Owen—an MD—later writes that lab techs found alcohol in a sample of Bush’s blood. 1992—Japan apologizes for mak- ing sex slaves of tens of thousands of Korean women during WW II. 1980—In Belgium, the head of the anti-narcotics force is arrested for smuggling drugs. 1974—Dr. Hunter S. Tompson throws a Super Bowl party; one guest: George W. Bush. 1964—Cumberland, Maryland gets lucky: a B-52 crashes, but the nukes on board don’t go of. 1947—Te Supreme Court rules that there’s nothing cruel or un- usual about electrocuting a man a second time if you fail to kill him the frst time. 1946—In Paris, 500 GIs adopt an Enlisted Man’s Magna Carta, calling for radical reforms of the master-slave relationship between ofcers and enlisted men. 1874—Te New York police club unemployed demonstrators. Police Commissioner Abram Duryée calls the violence “the most glori- ous sight I have ever seen.” 2005—”[M]an should never try to put words in God’s mouth,” says George W. Bush on TV. 2000—”Tis is still a dangerous world,” warns George W. Bush. “It’s a world of madmen and uncer- tainty and potential mental losses.” 1969—Explosions on the U.S.S. Enterprise, a nuclear aircraft carrier, kill 17 and injure 85. 1967—Te First Human Be-In is held,
in San Francisco. 1957—“I never should have switched from Scotch to Martinis,” says the Humphrey Bogart on his deathbed. 1898—Death of Rev. Charles L. Dodgson, author and fervent ad- mirer of little girls. 1893—Joseph Conrad quits the sea of salt water for a sea of ink. 1878—Te U.S. Supreme Court rules that states may not require railroads to provide equal accom- modations to passengers regardless of race. 1850—Imprisoned anarchist Mikhail Bakunin is sentenced to death. After that sentence is sus- pended, he spends years in a dun- geon, comes down with scurvy, is sent to Siberia, escapes, makes much trouble, and eventually dies in Switzerland, at 62. 1794—Dr. Jesse Bennett performs the frst successful Cesarean section in the U.S., in Edom, Virginia, on his own wife. 2007—Saddam Hussein’s half- brother Barzan Ibrahim is further subdivided when a noose separates his head from his body. 2000—George W. Bush prom- ises an administration that “will see service to our country as a great privilege and who will not stain the house.” 1992—“You cannot be president of the United States if you don’t have faith,” says George Herbert [Hoover] Walker Bush, campaign- ing in NH. “Remember Lincoln, going to his knees in times of trial and the Civil War and all that stuf. And we are blessed. So don’t feel sorry for…don’t cry for me, Ar- gentina.” 1968—Jeanette Rankin, 87, Con- gresswoman who voted against WWI and WWII, leads a march against the Vietnam War. 1968—Near Dak To, SP/5 Dwight H. Johnson engages so fercely in a frefght that he is later awarded the Medal of Honor. In 1971 he’s shot to death in a suicidal robbery. 1961—Air Force’s “Texas Tower” radar station collapses into the At- lantic of New Jersey. 1922—Te Irish Free State is es- tablished. 1909—In Boston, 2,300,000 gal- lons of molasses, intended for manufacturing explosives, escape from a badly-built storage tank, killing 21
and injuring 150. 2003—Space Shuttle Columbia takes of for the last time. 1996—Mistaken for a drug traf- fcker, Jimmy Bufet and his sea- plane are fred on in Jamaica. 1992—Te Salvadoran Civil War ends. 1986—Te Dept. of Energy an- nounces a seven-year search for a nuclear waste dump site. One po- tential site: Hillsborough, NH. Af- ter fve months of vigorous protest, it’s called of. 1984—Paul McCartney is arrested in Barbados for marijuana posses- sion. 1980—Paul McCartney is jailed briefy in Japan for marijuana pos- session. 1980—Anti-drug pencils are re- called in New York because “Too Cool to Do Drugs” becomes, on sharpening, “Cool to Do Drugs,” then “Do Drugs.” 1936—Serial killer and cannibal Albert Fish is executed at Sing Sing. 1920—Prohibition takes efect: 13 years to the next legal drink. 1917—German Foreign Secretary A. Zimmermann telegraphs the German ambassador in Mexico telling him to propose a German/ Mexican alliance, and ofering the return of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. 1777—Vermont declares indepen- dence from New York. 2004—Te U.S. death toll in Iraq reaches 500. 2003—George W. Bush tells wounded troops at Walter Reed we “must provide the best care” for vet- erans the same day the VA cuts of health care for 164,000 veterans. 1997—Newt Gingrich’s lawyer tells a Congressional subcommittee his client’s lies were merely “glar- ingly inconsistent.” 1991—Gulf (& Exxon) War I be- gins with air attacks on Iraq. 1977—About to become the frst American executed (by fring squad) after a ten-year hiatus, Gary Gilmore says, “Let’s do it.” 1968—Asked by Lady Bird John- son what she makes of the Vietnam War, Eartha Kitt answers, “You send the best of this country of to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot.” For telling the truth, her career sufers. 1968—G.W. Bush manages to squeak by the Texas Air National Guard’s pilot aptitude test, with a score of 25 percent.
1966—An Air Force tanker and a B-52 collide over Spain, dropping H-bombs & scattering radiation. 1961—Patrice Lumumba is assas- sinated, possibly by the Military- Industrial Complex. 1961—Pres. Eisenhower warns against the “acquisition of unwar- ranted infuence” by the “Military- Industrial Complex.” 1986—One dies, 100 injured in ac- cident at Kerr-McGee nuclear fuel plant in Oklahoma. 1970—Supreme Court upholds the suppression of an anti-war underground newspaper at Fort Bragg, N.C. 1946—Tousands of active-duty GIs in the Philippines attempt to storm Headquarters in protest of slow re-deployment back to the U.S. 1944—RIP Ida Tarbell, muckraker, in Bridgeport, Conn. 1927—Freelance executioner R. Elliot electrocutes three convicts in Charlestown, Mass., then three more in Sing Sing, NY. 1927—U.S. Marines invade Nica- ragua. Again. 1920—Birth of future Man-O’- God Rev. Sun Myung Moon. 1919—Appointed Britain’s For- eign Secretary, George Curzon complains bitterly that the supplied inkpots are made of glass and brass rather than crystal and silver. 1895—Former Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii is arrested following a failed coup against the government of Sanford Dole. 1864—U.S. Army captures 11,000 Navajos, later force-marching them to Ft. Sumner, killing thousands. 1853—President-elect Franklin Pierce and his wife Jane witness the death of their son, Benjamin, in a train wreck. 911 truth now!

good to see others are keeping on top of the false flag attacks especially with OP Gladio not being something that is in the past but ongoing.
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